"I suggest you get your ass out of this car before I smack your head," Niall warned me, voice low, a smirk on his lips.

"You wouldn't dare," I scoff, smiling with satisfaction. I know he wouldn't lay even a finger on me. Like I said, wussy.

"I know what your doing, Principessa. Talking out of your ass in an attempt to stay in the car and hide from Mr Bodyguard," Niall smirked. "It isn't going to work."

I give him an angry look. "Fine, I'll get out. But if he's as creepy as I remember, I'm jumping straight back into the car."

Louis shrugs, opening the door to his seat. "Fine with me."

"Don't worry," Niall snickered, opening his door as well. "One creepy stare or smirk and he's dead."

"If he doesn't kill you first," I mumble, eventually getting out of the car too, but with my heart beating fearfully in my chest. I don't think I'm prepared for what comes next, whatever that may be.

As my eyes carefully start to search Harry, I see he has gotten out of his car as well, now leaning back against the black BMW. His eyes are covered with a black pair of shades, hiding every bit of emotion.

But like magic his smirk appears. "You really think you were going to be able to escape? Your phone has a tracker, sweetie."

I cringe hearing the nickname. "A tracker, huh? Clever."

He snickers, one hand taking off the sunglasses and sliding them in his thick curls. The piercing emerald eyes I noticed before appear again, having a victorious look in them. I caught you, they seem to say. And it's driving me nuts.

"All your Papà's work. Looks like he didn't trust his dear little girl." He laughs again, the sarcasm in his voice thick like butter. "Wonder why."

I frown when he keeps on snickering, careless about the whole situation. I thought he was going to throw some insane fit and drag me into his car, yelling at me about how I broke the rules, but he doesn't. He just crosses his arms and smirks.

"Gentlemen, I think it's time I take Miss Wilson home with me. Pleasure to meet you though." He politely nodded at Louis and Niall, but still with that devilish smile. "Elena, get in the car."

He turns around, opening the door to the driver's seat, and gets in, without looking back.

I jump a little when I feel a soft hand on my shoulder, Louis appearing as I turn around, a worried look on his face. "You sure you want to go home with this guy?" He asked on a low volume, so Harry wouldn't be able to hear us.

"I don't think I have a choice. Don't worry, I'll be fine," I assure him. I can handle this guy. I think.

"If there's anything, call us. We're at your place in less than thirty seconds." Niall gives me a quick side hug, Louis following his lead.

"I will," I smile a little. "Thanks for the rescue, even if it was this short."

"Anytime." They both look at each other for a moment, with hesitation in their eyes, wondering if this is a good idea. But then they seem to realise I really don't have a choice, and protesting would be useless. They shrug, give me a small smile and get back in their car.

I take a deep breath as I watch them take off. I know I have to get in the car with Harry now, but I don't know what's waiting for me after my little runaway, and I don't think I want to know. He may seemed fine with it, but it could be an act. This guy doesn't seem very predictable.

For a moment I think about throwing my phone in the gutter, deactivating the tracker, and just running away, but quickly realise that's stupid. I know he would find me, and if not him, Papà would, even from Italy.

So, I breathe in again, gathering all my confidence together, and decide to get in the car. Opening the door I climb in the backseat behind him, to see Harry staring at me from the rearview mirror. He's back to wearing the shades, so I can't actually see his eyes, but I know they're looking at me.

He starts the car, takes off in silence, but it only takes seconds for him to snicker again, clearly mocking me. "Did you really think I wasn't going to find you?"

I shrug, staring out of the window. "I at least tried."

I see him smirking at me from the corner of my eye, his eyes dark. "Brave little girl, trying to escape from Daddy's rules. Hate to break it to you, but you're stuck with me."

Shivers go down to my spine from his deep voice. "Doesn't mean I have to listen to you." I keep my eyes locked on whatever I can find outside the car. As long as it's not his piercing eyes.

He chuckles. "Looks like she has quite the attitude. Impressive."

My head snaps back in his direction. "Look, Mr Harry Styles, you may be my bodyguard, but you have nothing, absolutely nothing to say about me. So I think it's best if you stop bothering me, because I can make you lose your job in less than a second."

I expected him to shut his mouth now, but he doesn't seem impressed. "You really think you can scare me away, don't you?"
He scoffed, furrowing his eyebrows. "Your Daddy warned me about you, said you can be a real pain in the ass. I'm prepared for you and your little games, Ellie. You can try whatever you want, but I promise you, you will be stuck with me."

"It's Elena," I scoff, but I can't deny I'm a little taken aback. He seems to know what he's dealing with, seems actually prepared, and I didn't expect that.


Frustrated I cross my arms, refusing to make eye contact with him or say a thing. Why is he like this? Any other guy would be intimidated, but he isn't. I guess Papà's guys trained him well.

He laughs again, like everything I do or say is a comedy show to him. "Silent treatment, huh? I think that isn't going to work for six months."

My blood starts boiling in my veins as I clench my fists. "Can't you just back off and leave me alone? Letting me do my thing is less work and more free time for you, so I don't see what your problem is here."

"That's not how being your bodyguard works, sweetie." Now he's back to mocking me. "I know you think you don't need protection and all that independent stuff, but unfortunately you do."

"Doesn't mean I want it," I mumble.

"And she's stubborn and naive as well. Great," he chuckled again. "You have nothing to want here, just to accept. And I suggest you do that, because it would make your life a whole lot easier, sweetheart."

I hadn't even noticed we arrived back home, until he enters our enormous garage and parks the car. As quickly as possible I unbuckle my seatbelt and get out of the car, but not before turning around and confidently looking at him.

"Sweetheart, nothing in my life is easy. You don't know what you started. Trust me."

And with those words I close the door and disappear inside, leaving Harry Styles behind the weel.


A/N: More Ellie and Harry interaction coming next chapter! Love, Sky

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