Upon feeling the slow thumps of her heart still beating, I picked up the bottle to find it was empty.

Grabbing a towel that was hanging on the door, I tore it in half and wrapped up both arms then gently but quickly picked her up and stuck my fingers down her throat to get her to throw up whatever she had taken.

I pulled her messy hair away from her pale face as she finally threw up.

"Damnit! (Y/N), can you hear me?" I shouted while pulling her into my lap, holding her tightly just trying to get her to respond.

Please... please don't die. I'm so sorry I wasn't here.

The thoughts pounded in my head loudly.

"Izuku?" Her (E/C) eyes fluttered open softly and her voice sounded like sandpaper from all the crying.

"Why did you do this? Tell me what happened." My voice sounded a little harsher than I had intended.

Her eyes trailed the room and she began crying again when she remembered what was going on.

"You should have just let me die." Her voice was calm and low.

"Don't say that! Please. We just started to get to know each other and I don't want to lose you." I shook her gently in hopes of keeping her conscious.

When I looked back down, she was sleeping but her pulse was steady.

I put one arm under her legs, and one behind her back, picking her up carefully. I then ran back to my mother's apartment.

"Oh my God, Izuku! What is going on?!" Inko's face was wet from tears as soon as she saw the limp battered body in my arms.

"I think... I think she tried to kill herself." My face was flushed pale from fear and shock. "We need to call 911."

"Wait." She paused and grabbed my arm to make he stop in my tracks. "Look at her. Someone did this to her, but I don't know who. I'm not sure it would be a good idea for her to be taken to a public hospital because whoever it was could find her again easily." She calmed her voice before she finished speaking, but her hands were still shaking.

"Is there anyone you could call that would help her here? You're the number one hero, surely someone could do it."

I took (Y/N) to my old room and laid her down on the bed, letting my eyes trail across her bruised and bleeding body. It filled my chest with a heavy burning that made it hard to breathe.

When my nerves were more steady, I called the only person that I could think of that would even consider helping without insisting that I take her to the hospital.

Recovery Girl.

After explaining the situation, and being scolded of course, she came rather quickly to help.

When Recovery Girl arrived, I showed her where I had laid the unconscious girl.

"Oh dear, this poor child has been through quite a lot, hasn't she?" Recovery Girl said in her weathered old voice. "I'm glad you called me to help. Your mother was right about keeping her here, this is a very delicate situation."

She used her quirk to heal her the best that she could. However, she could only close the wounds on (Y/N)'s wrists and fix the broken ribs. Anything more would risk killing her because she had little to no energy left.

Recovery Girl told me and mom that (Y/N) would be asleep for a while but she would eventually wake up, and that we shouldn't leave her alone anytime soon.

With that, she left.

I sat in the floor next to (Y/N) for a while, occasionally checking to see if she was still breathing.

After a few hours of breaking down, I went into the kitchen where my mother was and sat down at the table.

I buried my face into my hands that still had her blood on them and let a few more silent tears fall now that I knew that she wouldn't die.

"Why didn't I make sure she was okay when she left here, I had a feeling that something was wrong but I ignored it. Who really knows what she went through when I was just sitting here, right across the hall from her!" I spoke with a shaky voice trying to keep my emotions under control.

"(Y/N) never really talked about her life before she moved here, so I didn't want to pry but I should have. The fault isn't on you alone son." My mom said taking a seat at the table while setting a steaming cup of tea in front of me.

"Why didn't she just say something? I could've done something, I'm a hero and I couldn't even keep her safe when she needed me." I ran my hands through my hair in frustration.

"You really care for her already, don't you son?" She asked in an inaudible whisper, then turned to look at me.

"We won't know everything until she wakes up, all we can do is be here for her now." She placed a hand over my shoulder and offered a comforting smile.

We both sat there for a while letting silence fill the room waiting for (Y/N) to wake up.

I'll never let her go through anything like that ever again. I will protect her no matter what.

Broken Smile (IzukuXReader)Where stories live. Discover now