Chapter 31

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August 19, 2020

Two days had passed and the babies were still very sick. There was no sign of them getting better...yet. At this point, Agnetha and Björn had tested positive as well as had the rest of the summer home. There was indeed an outbreak that had taken place. At this point, the babies were having some respiratory problems so they had to be ventilated once more. It was a truly horrible sight to see and Agnetha simply couldn't bring herself to see Danielle and Kaylee, her two precious little babies, in that condition and neither could Björn.

But then again, all Kaylee and Danielle wanted was to be held and there was no doubt that both their parents had sensed that. But they had been admitted to that same hospital since they were an elderly couple who had tested positive for COVID and it was best that they stayed in the hospital for observation as did Benny, Frida, and Görel. It was better that way and for Agnetha and Björn especially since they were physically closer to their two babies which is exactly what they needed. They needed that close contact more than ever.

Today, Linda was coming to visit them in the hospital and they couldn't be anymore excited. Kaylee and Danielle loved Linda just as much as they loved their parents and also she would be taking the weight off of Agnetha when it comes to spending time with the babies. After all, Agnetha was pregnant again in addition to her having COVID. She and Björn had gone to a local fertility clinic a few days before the outbreak and she was showing signs of early pregnancy once more. Agnetha and Björn had found out right after the babies were taken to the hospital and right before they tested positive and while they were both very happy, they both knew that they also had to take it easy because of her pregnancy.

Linda entered the hospital carefully and she first went to Agnetha's hospital room. Agnetha, Björn, Benny, and Frida were all staying in separate rooms, much to their dismay. This was also not to mention that the press were going to come in today as they had heard about the outbreak and wanted at least one picture and as much as they declined, they agreed just so the press can shut up. The babies were being taken off of their ventilators once more as Linda was arriving at the hospital and visited her mother's bedside.

"Hi Mama," Linda said gently as she approached Agnetha's bedside. "How are you feeling?"

"So so," Agnetha replied. "I feel sick but I really wish your father, Danielle, and Kaylee were with me right now."

"I feel you," Linda replied. "I can only imagine. I don't think any of us were expecting a huge COVID outbreak during our vacation but at least we had some fun, didn't we, Mama?"

"That's true," Agnetha replied. "And that road trip was really something."

"I know," Linda sighed happily. "It was quite the experience."

"Anyways, I'm really wanting to see the babies and your father," Agnetha announced as she slowly decided to get up.

"Alright then let's go," Linda replied as she carefully helped Agnetha up from her hospital bed and the two of them slowly and gently walked over to Björn's hospital room, which was right next door to Agnetha's room. Meanwhile, the babies were being kept in the room directly across the hall from them inside an incubator and they were finally starting to get better.

Agnetha and Linda arrived at Björn's bedside, only to find him still asleep. It was still early in the morning after all. It was also weird considering that Björn was usually the one who was up early while Agnetha was usually the one who slept in, but this time it was the other way around. Agnetha and Linda gently peeked into Björn's hospital room and decided to let him sleep for the time being, so with that being said, they decided to head over to where the babies were being kept.

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