004. problems

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harper's apartment
liverpool uk

harps🦋i really don't know what i did but ig i'm sorry for whatever's happened

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i really don't know what
i did but ig i'm sorry for
whatever's happened.
seen 12.01pm

james please talk to me
i know your seeing these
seen 12.03pm

okay i guess i'll leave u.
seen 12.04pm

our problems don't have
to be talked about all over
instagram harper.

what problems james?
cos last time i checked we
didn't have any.
we were fine sunday when i
last spoke to you.
now you have completely stopped
talking to me.
you know how much that hurts?
to want to talk to your own
boyfriend in the morning or night
and he just leaves you on seen for
3 days.
& i sit there with all the possible
scenarios in my head on what's went
wrong and i cry because i'm scared of
losing you.
you won't tell me what is wrong or
what these 'problems' we have are?
AND then i see you posting pics on
instagram and replying to comments
but you won't answer your own girlfriend.
you know how much that fucking
hurts james? yeah it hurts a lot.

well i'm sorry for ignoring you but
i think you would react the exact same
way if you seen pictures online with me
and my ex.

what are you going on about?

don't be acting stupid harps.
there's pictures of you and that
jack dude on ig.
and there definitely from when
you and kennedy went to la
at the end of last year.
here i'll send you them
seeing you don't know what i'm going
on about.

here i'll send you them seeing you don't know what i'm going on about

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harps🦋 james

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james... i swear that's not what your

then what is it harps cos to me
it looks like your real close with
and even if it wasn't what it looked like
why didn't you tell me that you went to
meet him. just doesn't make sense.

i promise you nothing happened
between us.
jack messaged me cos he knew i was in
la and said it would be good to meet up
cos we hadn't seen each-other in a while
and he wanted to talk things through and
apologise for everything that happened
between us. we weren't ever alone together
kennedy was with us and jack's friend
sammy. we agreed to be civil and then we
ended up staying at the beach for a few hours
and obviously someone must have seen us and
took it out of context but i promise nothing
happened other than that.

i don't know harps it's just strange
but i just don't understand why you
didn't tell me you were going to
meet up with him.

because you wouldn't have understood
why i was going to meet him.
you would've said don't be doing that
but i know i needed to do it to leave him
in the past because i love you.

yeah because he's in your past
for a reason. i'm your boyfriend.
and i know you would react the
exact same way if you seen me
that close with one of my exes.
even if it was just to talk.

yes i know that james.
your my boyfriend?
you haven't acted like one in days.
you've ignored me. and when you
come to talk your just acting like a
complete dickhead towards me.
i don't know what else i can say
i've told u my side of the story you
choose if you want to believe it or not
but i'm fed up with it.
and he picked me up once as a joke.
you believe what you want to believe.

i'm being a dickhead?
whatever harper.
all's i tried to do was be a good
boyfriend to you. i didn't say
i never believed you. i was confused
why you didn't tell me.
but i'm the dickhead ok harper.

because the way you react.
i've never EVER said you've been
a bad boyfriend because you haven't
but your overreacting here over something
that not even that big.
but i'm done i'm not arguing with you.

i'm not overreacting. i'm just saying
i don't like what you have done.
and what do you mean your done?
with us?

whatever james.
and no i didn't say done with us i said
i was done with the argument.
you know i love you more than anything.

and you know i love you more
than anything.
but i need a break.
a few weeks i don't know.

your actually joking right now?
a break over this?
i actually can't believe you.

i don't know what to do harps
i need time to think things over.

and what if over that time you
want to decide that you don't want
to be with me. i ain't waiting around
just for you to tell me that james.
i'll give you the easy way out and just say that
we're done.

i didn't say i was going to not be with
you. i said i needed a break.
but if that's what you want then fine.
have a good life harper.
read 7:48pm 

contact name changed to 
   'james maddison'

harper took a deep breath and dropped her phone beside her. tears began streaming down her face. she just broke up with her love. the person she thought that it could've  lasted forever with. everything went numb for the girl. she was heartbroken to say the least. all she wanted to do was be alone.

authors note
omg i've had this chapter in my drafts for weeks and haven't updated.
but omg this was so sad to write.

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