When Myths come True

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Perci POV

I had an idea on what happened and I intended on finding out the truth. So, after the whole DIE Honey thing I cornered Mr. Brunner and Grover.

They both were conversing like nothing happened. So, I went up to them and was like " Excuse me for my crude language but seriously what the HELL happened there. That was a frickin FURY from the Greek mythology and it was out for my blood. And then you two come up, throw me a pen and act like nothing happened. So help me. " I was so pissed off and after my rant Grover looked like a fish, probably surprised at my choice of words. 

Mr. Brunner just sighed and gestured me to follow him and Grover. When we reached the bus stop. And then they both told me to get inside a Delphine Strawberries. I know what you're thinking most horror stories start like this but like always my curiosity won over. After we were settled in the van Mr. Brunner looked at me. 

" Perci you have questions ? "

I just nodded but inside I was bursting with questions. 

" What was that thing ? Why was after me ? What did I do ? And if that was what I think it was, am I a demigod, which is not possible ? "

 " Perci, I know you have a lot of questions - 


but I need you to go home immediately without alerting anyone else. "

" Does that mean I am expelled cause I told my mom I would try harder, huh guess trouble does follow me everywhere "

" No Persephone, I need you to go to this place after you meet your mom. Grover give her the card ". 

I took the card and nodded numbly. " Okay both of you board the bus now "

Grover went towards a bus and I followed him. " Is it true " I asked

" What " " That I am a demigod ? " " Look Perci I can't tell you now but just so you know you are a demigod ". 

Halfway through the bus broke down and we waited inside. As I looked outside I saw 3 ladies sitting on a bench and knitting the largest shawl I have ever seen. I tapped Grover and pointed at them. " Who are they ? " Grover looked so pale after taking a glance at them. " Perce look away right now ". 

I tried but I couldn't. " Grove it looks like I am stuck... Those are the Fates right ? " 

" Are you sure you can't move ? " I rolled my eyes " Yes, Its fine its not a big deal " but on the inside I was shaking in fear.

Then the one in the middle took out a scissor and cut the grey coloured thread.  Its okay deep breaths...

Suddenly the bus moved and we finally reached the apartment. " Mom would be at work now Grove ". 

" Its fine, Mr. Brunner informed Sally "

" Ok "

By the time we were done talking we reached the door. I wanted to go hug my mom but Smelly Gabe was also there... It looked like Grover could sense my distraught since he opened the door. As soon as I opened it I was overwhelmed with the smell of beers and cigarettes'. 

I was expecting to see mom but Smelly Gabe was there playing poker with his friends. 

" Well you're home early Babe "

I ignored his jab. " Where's mom "

" At work, " he said. " Give me your money Babe "

Yeah that's it. No welcome home, or are you okay honey just Give me your money.

Don't have any I said bravely compared to what he did. He is a total perv and not only that he abuses me. I can't tell anyone though... It will change their opinion about me. 

" Really, you honestly believe I'd buy that ? "

Right at that moment my mom came. Thank God otherwise Gabe probably would've beat me. In front of Grover, its not like he cares. My secret is safe. 

" Perci ? " as soon as mom saw me she hugged me. She has the most wonderful smiles that can turn stormy days into bright cheerful ones. Her colour changing eyes and red streaked hair. She is so kind...

" Oh my god ! you have grown so big, but what are you doing here ? there is still one week left until school closes "

"Mrs. Jackson I can answer that " Grover said. Until then I'd forgotten about him. My mom released me only to freeze up when a she got a proper look at Grover. 

" Is it time ? " Her voice was coated with worry and sadness. Wonder what's gotten her so riled up.  

Grover gave her a look. Seriously am I the only one out of the loop ???

" Yes Mrs. Jackson, Its time ".  

Persephone Jackson ( fem ) The Big Three RivalryWhere stories live. Discover now