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chapter 13; awoken

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chapter 13; awoken


"Omi? Omi!" Atsumu yelled, shaking his boyfriend awake.

Sakusa shot his eyes open, looking at his boyfriend.

"Hello omi! Missed me?" Atsumu smiled, spreading his arms signalling for a hug.

Ofcourse, Sakusa happily hugged him making Atsumu stumble abit by the hug.

"I missed you too, darling." Sakusa whispered into Atsumu's ear, making Atsumu blush and hug even tighter.

They pulled out of the hug and sat on Sakusa's bed.

"What was your dream, Omi? I heard you talking in your sleep." Atsumu asked, making Sakusa freeze as he remembered what happened in his dream.

"Nothing, darling. I'm fine, just had a bad dream nothing to worry about." Sakusa stated, making Atsumu raise his other eyebrow, but shrugged it off cause Sakusa might get uncomfortable getting asked again.

Sakusa and Atsumu missed eachother very much, despites having their daily face-time, nothing beats them meeting up. Sakusa enjoys the accompany of Atsumu and being with him, while Atsumu enjoys also his acconpany. They love eachother so dearly..


Sakusa felt bad.

Is he a bad boyfriend?

Would Atsumu replace him with Kita?

Is Kita better?



Why does Kita want his boyfriend?

Is our relationship not good enough to be believable?

Is he forcing Atsumu into this relationship?

"Omi! I said if do you want to cuddle and watch Netflix?" Atsumu yelled, his hands gripping his own hips while standing infront of Sakusa with puffed cheeks. Sakusa got startled and agreed, standing up to get a blanket and some chips.

He went back inside the room and sat beside Atsumu.

"Omi, is something wrong?" Atsumu concerned, looking at his lap.

Sakusa got worried.

"No! Nothing is wrong, darling. I just have alot of things in my mind right now.." Sakusa smiled awkwardly while he opened his Netflix account to let Atsumu choose a movie.

"Omi, you know you can tell me anything right..?" Atsumu turned into him with a worried expression.

"It's just..a-are you not happy with our relationship?"


"Omi! Ofcourse I am! I am happy to be with you. Everyday, I wished that you are by my side; I wish everyday for us to be together all the time. Make it school, house, or in sports." Atsumu said with confidence, cupping Sakusa's cheeks.

"Why did you think about that, Omi? I would never get tired of you." Atsumu said, as he kissed Sakusa's cheek making Sakusa smile.

"Ah, yes. Thank you, Atsumu. I love you so much." Sakusa replied with a kiss on the blonde's hand.

"Now, let's watch a movie. You can choose, Omi." Atsumu said as he snuggled on the blanket leaning on Sakusa.

Sakusa happily followed his boyfriends request.

God damn, I'm so lucky to have this angel as my boyfriend.


I just called him Omi.


What is wrong with me.


When will he get tired of me?

He already is.

Maybe Kita san is right. Nobody wants me.

Kita san is always right.

But Omi-

It's Sakusa.

Sakusa said that he loves me right?

He doesn't.

What if he is lying?

He is.



Did I do something wrong?

Yes. You.

What if Kita-san was wrong? Maybe he would like to see me for two days straight, right?

No. Kita-san is always right. Nobody wants to see you.



Thank you for reading.

I'm so sorry for not updating, I've been obsessed with Genshin Impact lately lol.

hope u liked this chapter <3

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