I decided against answering her, I'll just text her back later, I put my phone on do not disturb " so are you guys together" and I instantly smile "I guess you could say that, we just haven't put titles on it yet and to be honest I don't think she wants too" I bite my lip "every time I bring it up she usually makes a joke of it or just straight up ignores me" Mr.Hughs sigh and says "give her time... she... she's been through a lot"

After we were done he walked me to my car, smiling and says "don't forget what I said Dominic, I'll fucking kill you" he pats my back hard "have a good day now Dominic I'll see you at that boxing tournament" I shut my car door wincing when my back hits the car seat and pull my phone out to text Ivy back

Mama 💕
Are you having fun
Mama 💕
Must be because your not texting back
Mama 💕
Nvm I don't care anymore .

I chuckle, they were all 20 minutes apart and I sigh

Dominic 🌚
Dominic 🌚
I had to put my phone on do not disturb
Dominic 🌚
I'm sorry mama
Read at 3:37 pm

I sigh, she must be really mad. I'll take her out for ice cream later

Ivy 🧍🏾‍♀️

Me and Lucas was in my room watching Law and Order: SVU. "Let's go to the mall" I say and he nods his head and grabs his shoes

I smirk walking out the door, nobody ever wants to go to the mall with me I always find something in every store and take forever

"Mom we're going to the mall we'll be back" and she chuckles "she got you to go to the mall with her Lucas" I laugh and pull him out the house

"Why did she say that" he ask me but I just wave him off and get in the passenger seat of his car, it was a blue Honda

I wish I had a car

I never got my drivers license, nobody drives in New York especially in the city when public transportation is everywhere

• 20 minutes later •

I could tell Lucas was getting tired, he was carrying most of the 25 bags that I had

He groans and says "can we leave now" I pout and say "we didn't go to forever 21 yet" he looks at me annoyed and I groan and say "fine" I take some bags from him because his arms are turning red

"Are you hungry" I ask and he nods "yeah I want pizza" I make my way over to the pizza line and see Renny "hey ren what you doing here" I say smiling and "nothing looking for a present for my mom, her birthday is tomorrow" he replies and I nod and we continue our small talk

It was my turn to order and as I walk up to counter and the cashier is just staring at me and I say "are you ready or.." and he laughs and says "your really pretty" I say a small thank you and continue my order

When our food was done he gave me napkins and I walk away

We got back to the house and we ate in my room "Ivy hand me the napkins please" I grab them and look down and on the top one it says

Hi my name's Nate
Call me some time ;)

I laugh and show Lucas and he says "the cashier gave that to you" nodding my head I toss it on my dresser making a mental note to throw it away later, laughing a little "he wasn't ugly but I'm taken" I say smiling a little thinking about Dominic

I should text him

I pull my phone out and start to text him

Mama 💕
Mama 💕
I haven't talked to you all day 🥺
Mama 💕
I miss you

I shut my phone off and me and Lucas continue our time together. He stays over for a little longer and after an hour makes his way home

So this chapter is short :/
Thanks for reading
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