(Y/N) walked over, causing Lin to stand and walk right into her arms. She made sure to lock the door with metalbending, she just rested her head on her shoulder whimpering slightly. (Y/N) smiled and rubbed her back "You know I just came to say goodbye, but it looks like you need a hug" Lin stayed quiet and just held her tighter, while (Y/N) just stayed there.

Eventually the police chief let go of her saying "Thank you" before going back to her stern look, (Y/N) rolled her eyes and kissed her cheek "See you at home", Lin smiled and headed back to her desk until suddenly the jazz music playing from her radio stopped and a voice came through "Good evening, my fellow Equalists. This is your leader, Amon. As you have heard, the Republic Council has voted to make me public enemy number one, proving once again that the bending oppressors of this city will stop at nothing to quash our revolution." The two looked at the radio in fear as Lin made a call to the radio station to try and find out where the interruption ame from, Amon continued "But we cannot be stopped. Our numbers grow stronger by the day. You no longer have to live in fear. The time has come for benders to experience fear."

(Y/N) listened carefully to his message and the next couple lines had shocked the two police officers "I have also made it my mission to help those non benders who have been blinded and manipulated by benders, for example Second in Command of the police force (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." Lin growled and demanded over the phone that they find it quickly and the mention of (Y/N)'s name made her freeze "She is an incredibly powerful woman both socially and physically, I'll make sure of it that she will join the side of the Equalists. The age of Benders will fall..."

As lin heard they couldn't track it she slammed the phone into its stand angrily, (Y/N) took a quick seat and scratched her neck nervously "I-I didn't think i'd be called out" Lin glared at the radio and then looked at her girlfriend, she stood up and said "come on we're going home, I'm driving" she took her keys and (Y/N) quietly followed.

The drive home was silent, both of them were on edge mostly from what just happened. (Y/N) just sat there in shock, She still can't believe that Amon himself would tell the entire city that he was after her. It terrified her. But her thoughts were interrupted as the two arrived home, Lin quickly took all the mail for her and walked inside the house. Allowing (Y/N) to walk in first before Lin walked in and locked the doors, immediately she began locking all the windows and shutting the blinds. When (Y/N) came to help she refused only saying "I'm not taking any chances, just go to the bedroom and get changed"

(Y/N) visibly shook as she sat on the bed, the room was dark and so she put on a light to at least comfort her a little, things we're just getting more and more frightening as this revolution continued. She eventually took off her police uniform and neatly put it in the closet before changing into something more comfortable and walking out to the living room, there Lin was on the couch leg bouncing up and down as she looked over some report files.

(Y/N) sat next to her and held her hand gently "Honey, I know the message spooked us but you're going a little overboard" Lin whipped her head around and almost yelled "No I'm not, I'm just protecting the one good thing I have left in my life. I swear on my life that I will make sure Amon will not get near you" Lin was squeezing her hand tightly and (Y/N) immediately went to pull her into a tight hug to comfort her "It's okay, I know you're scared. It's okay to be scared, you put on this tough act but I know you Lin you need to breathe."

The two went to do some breathing exercises making Lin slowly calm down and just rest her head against (Y/N)'s shoulder, as she did (Y/N) tapped Lin's shoulder and asked "Hey I think it's best you take off your armour and I'll make some Jasmine tea" Lin nodded softly but not before stealing a kiss, (Y/N) rolled her eyes as she watched Lin head upstairs. She began to make Jasmine tea in the kitchen when a small letter caught her eye, it was a request from councilman Tarrlok that he have some police act as guards for his Gala, in honour of Avatar Korra in two days.

Lin Beifong x Fem Reader [Heart of Metal]Where stories live. Discover now