chapter 5: friend- pocalypse

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Dipper said "yes I have a plan"

"No plans!" I yelled

"What?" Dipper asked

"Okay bro when it comes to adventure plans your like a God but people and plans you are just-terrible like do you have one of those long complicated lists?"

"No!....okay I have a list but it's not complicated with super long steps it's more like a to-do list  what what we are gonna do no time stamps no weird talking points"

Just at that moment

Wendy came in and said "excuse me Melody I forgot my keys earlier"

"Wendy! Your back!" I screamed

"When was Wendy here?" Dipper asked

"While you were down stairs" I replied

"And you didn't come down to say hi? I'm hurt" dipper said jokingly while leaning against the wall

"Hey Wendy are you okay you look a little warm" Melody asked

"I'm fine but uh- hey do you guys wanna hang out tomorrow?"

"I don't know I have work tomorrow" dipper replied

Melody looked at him and said "mystery shack work? or mysterious basment work?"

Dipper looked at his feet and said "Both?"

"Remember what I said mister" Melody looked at Wendy and said "pick them up at 2:00 they'll be off work by then"

"Okay cool see you guys tomorrow" Wendy said before leaving

We went upstairs and dipper was on his phone for a bit and I got a text from Wendy

Wendy: hey Mabel I can't pick you guys up tomorrow met us at the cemetery okay?

Mabel: okay! Wait Us? Who else is going?

Wendy: oh sorry just the old gang you know Thompson,Lee,robbie,Tambry, Nate, and me

Mabel: all right we'll be there good night!

Wendy:okay tell dipper is said goodnight

Mabel: He already a sleep look

*sends a picture of a shirtless dipper*

Wendy: when did he start looking like that?

Mabel: wym?

Wendy: I thought he was scrawny not fricken baby captain america

Mabel: you should have seen Pacifica's reaction she started blushing and staring super hard

Wendy: how did she see before me?

(Mabel tells her what happened in the sleep over chapter I'm lazy dont judge)

Mabel: yeah dipper seems to really like her hey wanna help me make sure their date is perfect in Friday?

Wendy: They Are Going Out!?

Mabel:Well this is their first date

Wendy: I'll be there

After that I went to sleep

* ze next morning *

After breakfast dipper couldn't put his phone down and he kept smiling

"What you doing bro-bro?"

"Oh just texting Paz!" He said with the biggest smile

"Are you sure you don't want me to help you plan your date"

Gravity Falls: Summer After The Next (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang