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they eventually settle in and alexis is currently challenging nyx to drink something. to you, it seems nyx isn't taking it. i mean, who would? it looks like it would kill you even with one whiff of it.

"i'm not drinking that." nyx declared.

"i get it, you're too much of a pussy to do it." alexis jested.

all hesitation seemed to leave nyx's body because she took the tiny shot glass and downed it. she immediately regretted it because she rasped, "alexis i hate you so much."

she washed their mouth out with water and cleaned the shot glass. she grabbed a small mint from the candy dish you had in the kitchen and chewed it, trying to get rid of the taste.

rory was currently invested in what was playing on the TV, which was...The Lego Movie!? what was that doing airing? she seemed to like wyldstyle and unikitty.

nyx heard their voices and said, "emmet is the best one in there. mwah, chefs kiss."

"nyx, you don't get a right to speak. you're literally in love with hajime hinata. the most bland danganronpa character." alexis joked.

"excuse me! he's not the blandest! makoto is and i want to punt that little shit. i want to stomp him into the ground until he's a little stain on the carpet." she protested.

you just laugh and dream is also watching the movie. he seems interested and the room falls silent, except for the loud movie and alexis arguing with nyx about danganronpa.

"so, i still have the little smile you gave me when i went to florida." you said, trying to make conversation.

"you do? i thought you would've thrown it away." he snickered.

you just laugh and say, "i would never."

you both just converse for a moment and then go into a semi-comfortable silence. your hands entangle and it's quiet for a few moments before nyx seems to appear behind the couch and whispers, "ouuu handholding..."

your head whips back so fast that you could've gotten whiplash. nyx breaks into laughter and you huff, annoyed. you move your hand when you get a notification from kaz's twitter. you click on it and you can feel the confusion clouding your brain

kaz (@kazual)
| Currently omw to see Faye. 💞
💬 • 🔃 • ❤️

"guys i have a question. who is faye?" you ask, confused.

"oh, that's kazzy's girlfriend!" rory says, peeling her eyes off the screen.

you choke on air and rasp out, "girlfriend? where does she live?"

"i think she lives in southern england." nyx said, moving away from the couch, "she'll post pictures of her so you can see her."

you nod and are still baffled by her sudden relationship. well, sudden to you. it seems like they knew for forever. you focus on the TV and the movies end and change to a new one endlessly. eventually it's hit 3AM and you've yet to sleep. rory was sprawled out on the floor before alexis took her and put her to bed. alexis had yet to come back so you assume that she was caught in rory's cuddle jail.

dream is close to falling asleep and nyx is busied on their phone. you turn off the TV and get up. you dig through the hall closet and pull out the extra blankets. you give two to nyx and dream. you yawn and stretch while saying, "take those and use the pillows on the couch. goodnight."

"goodnight everybody!" nyx snickers.

of course she ended the night with yakko warner. you just roll your eyes playfully before entering your room. you slip into the abyss of blankets on your bed and attempt to fall asleep, which fails horribly. you end up staring at your ceiling for an hour before your brain forces your eyes shut and makes you go to sleep, while simultaneously telling you to wake up.

timeskip || morning || 2021 || age - 21

you eventually wake up to see nyx just standing over you, face blank. you shoot up and narrowly miss nyx's forehead. she bursts into laughter and wheezes our, "your face! and the way you- you shot up!"

"i'm going to fucking kill you if you try and wake me up again- oh hi (y/n)." alexis says, coming into the room, screwdriver in hand.

the two leave your room and you check your phone. you check the twitter notification from kaz. there was a girl and she looked very pretty.

kaz (@kazual)
| Me and @fatefaye went on a hike 💞

kaz (@kazual)|  Me and @fatefaye went on a hike 💞

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💬 • 🔃 • ❤️

you sigh and set the phone down. you rake your fingers through your hair and yawn, stretching your arms and hearing the satisfying but mildly painful pop. you stretch and your knees do the same thing and you almost fall.

you eventually balance yourself and notice the small slip notebook paper that had the smile on it. you put it back on the door and smile at it, it being a small token of remembrance. you get dressed in new comfy clothes which were basically the same as yesterday but clean.

you exit the room when alexis asks, "(y/n), can you take them to the arcade? nyx and rory have been begging me non-stop but wilbur asked me out tonight."

"oh speaking of him, are you two dating or?" you ask, nonchalantly.

alexis choked on her own spit and eventually coughed out, "how do you ask that so calmly!"

you just shrug and say, "tick tock, times ticking. answer my question."

"yes, yes we are. are you satisfied?" she said, slightly exasperated.

"yes, yes i am. thank you." you say, smiling smugly.

the three visitors who came unexpectedly yesterday were soon out in the car with you in the drivers seat. you were currently on your way to the arcade as nyx was belting out lyrics to random lemon demon and gorillaz songs, specifically DARE and Toy Food.

the group eventually arrives at the arcade and they scramble out of the car. sure, nyx was 19 and rory was 20, but that doesn't mean they were completely mature. you and the three enter the arcade. as soon as even the tip of your shoe enters the building, you know it's going to be a rollercoaster of emotions.

a/n: hi i might start a one shots book, idk though ˇ︿ˇ

anyway, listen to Toy Food by lemon demon rn 😰🙏💔

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