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Depression- Feelings of severe despondency and dejection.

Despondency- A state of low spirits caused by los of hope and courage.

Dejection- A sad and depressed state; low spirits.

Oppression- Prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control.

OCD- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (unreasonable thoughts and fears that lead to compulsive behavior.

Agony- extreme physical of mental suffering.

Cringe- Bend ones head or body in fear on in a servile manner.

Servile- Having or showing an excess I e willingness to serve or please others.

Contradict-Deny the truth of a statement especially by asserting the opposite.

Japanese Words

Werewolf- ōkami

Love- Ai

Hate- Kirai

Peace- Heiwa

Peace and harmony- Heiwa to chowa

Blood- ketsueki

Agony- Kutsū

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