17.....Just you and Jin

Start from the beginning

[Jin's pov]

I've been in jail for a few days now; well more like a waiting cell. How the hell did I even end up in this mess....Why do I always do this...

I look over the glass of the interrogation booth, to see the officer that brought me here and that Erasure hero. I glare at them. Not that they notice me, or even the fact that I'm still here for that matter.

"Damn it...." I mumble. I look down at the table. They had cuffed my hands to it with some kind of quirk canceling braces, they even went as far as putting a collar looking thing on me, made of the same material. Both seemed to illuminate a hue of blue or maybe green. That's probably what is canceling my quirk. I look over at the window again and I see the hero look at me. How the hell am I going to get out of this.

The door of the room opens and I see an officer walk in, he wasn't the same guy from before. But holy shit; this guy looks intimidating. I send him an icy glare, and he sits down.

"Ready to go through this one more time?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

I fury my brows and turn my head to the side, avoiding his gaze and don't reply.

"Look kid... We need you to start talking or else we won't have any other choice but to lock you up for good. And I don't thing you want to live a life in prison, for not telling us what we need to know," he threatens leaning over the table to get up in my face.

I scoff at him, "You're an idiot. I can't get life in prison for being silent. If I'm going to jail it's for something else," I glare at him and then look away again, "...Jackass."

"You little-" he cuts himself off with a sigh, "You have been illegally selling drugs, ran from police, assaulted a hero, harbored a fugitive, resisted arrest, and whatever else you did," he says, "that might as well be your whole life."

"And? What else?" I mock, "I have a right to remain silent. And I already told your little officer friend that I wasn't saying shit until I get to see and talk to your little friend in the hospital," I snap back.

"Well that's not going to happen. I will personally make sure you never see her again, it's probably best that anyway," he says in a cocky and smug tone, "in fact we should just move her to another place to recover so she can start over without you influencing her."

I know he can't do that. Y/n would never let that happen right? This guy....I instantly feel the rage bubbly up in me. I lunge forward, being held down by the cuffs. And he almost flinched back in surprise.

"You bastard! I Protect Y/n!!!" I yell, "You can't send her away! She doesn't want that! You call yourself police, and heros! YOUR ALL NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF MOTHER FUCKING BASTARDS!!" I'm practically trying to rip my hands from these cuffs to be able to jump this guy. And he sits there and laughs at my stupidity.

"Oh well would you look at that. You're a feisty one," he sneers with a grin.

How are these police officers!? This isn't how you're supposed to talk to a suspect. You're not even supposed to be giving any outside information to them! This guy isn't just a jackass, but he is a complete moron.

"You're weak," he says. That's it. Thats fucking it. I'm so enraged right now that I don't even care at this point. The only thing in my mind right now is getting out, and finding Y/n. I pull even harder at the cuffs and the edged ridges of them are cutting into my skin and rubbing me raw.

He continues to laugh and comment snarky little things about how he'll lock me away and keep me isolated from Y/n. And it just drives me even more as I'm trying to break free to kill this man. And I actually want to kill him.

"Who knows, maybe she's already dead. Maybe you're what killed her. Your her cause of death." he spits out, with venom twisted into every word he says.

What.... That's not possible. That's not true, there's no way it can be true. But what if it is....it really would be his fault.

And that's when it happened. The chains snapped with a sound of breaking metal. I look down and see that they're no longer glowing like before. I look up and smile at him, and I watch as fear replaces his snarky grin.

"Ah..haha.." I chuckle and it soon turns into a full on cackle, "What's wrong buddy? No more big talk. What a fucking coward," I start to slowly make my way around the table feeling the damaged cuffs still hanging of my wrists and blood and bruising covers my wrists.

My eyes start glowing, and I look him in the eyes, "So.... what's your nightmare? Cuz I'm going to make you ant to fucking die for talking about my Y/n. So get ready for hell you fucking bastard," and with that, he's screaming as the door to the room opens with the other police officer rushing into the room, and raises a gun to me.

"Do it. Shoot me," I look at him with my glowing eyes. And soon my tears start to run down my face.

Word count: 1681

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