"No! Just dinner with a friend." Your voice was low as you tried to calm is rage.

"Liar! No one would want to be friends with you! A girl like you is only good for so much. Don't you see that I'm the only person who could ever want someone like you."

He then crouched down and ripped the dress you where wearing off of you, leaving you in your underwear.

He wrapped his hands around your neck, as you went to scream for help he put pressure on your throat causing your voice to sound muffled.

"If you scream, I will kill everyone in this building and it will be your fault." He whispered in your ear and gave a sadistic laugh before he continued.

"You know just how dangerous my quirk is baby. Do you really want more blood on your hands? It's your fault your parents are dead and it will be your fault if I have to kill anyone here."

You looked around the room for a way out, trying to claw at his face to push him away.

You had a moment of realization then. No one was coming to save you and you were alone like always.

Nothing was different, and nothing has changed.

He activated his quirk, causing you to get a sever headache that kept you from moving from the cold floor. Releasing his iron grip that held you, he spoke softly as he stood.

"Remember that this is your fault for leaving me again. You brought this on yourself."

"Please! You don't have to do this, I won't run anymore. I promise." You cried with tears still running down your face.

Your words were quicky cut off with a hard kick to the ribs, instantly breaking a few of them.

The kicking continued for a while until the pain was too unbearable that you blacked out.

When you woke up, you were laying on the ground with blood staining your lips. You looked around the room trying to steady your blurry vision.

Noticing that it was day light already and that your apartment was completely trashed from his tantrum.

He was sitting on the couch flipping through channels on the television as if he didn't just almost beat you to death.

He saw that you were now trying to pull yourself up on your feet and he walked over to you.

"Have you learned your lesson about humiliating me yet baby? People talk you know." He sighed and the continued.

"Don't worry, I forgive you. I'm not going to kill you, but I do hope you realize that this is getting very tiresome." He had an evil look in his eyes.

You said nothing, knowing how it would end if you had.

"Stop laying around and get up already. I'm starving." He flopped back down on the couch and turned his attention back to the tv.

Numbness flooded through your body because over the years, you had got used to this heavy feeling that lingered in your heart.

You were so close. You almost got away this time, only long enough for a single taste of that freedom you craved for so long.

After only a few hours of being in the same room with this man, that sinking hopeless feeling return stronger than ever.

When night feel again, he approached you while you held your knees tight to your chest in the floor afraid to move.

"Baby, I have a few things to take care of so I have to go out for a little while but I'll be back before you know it. I know how much you miss me when I'm gone." He said in an airy tone running his fingers through your messy hair.

Looking up into his cold heartless eyes, you began crying yet again. He grabbed your face hard enough to leave a bruise making you whimper in pain.

"If I come back and you're gone, I will make you regret it. You belong to me, don't forget that." He pressed his lips to yours and it made you sick to your stomach. "We're going back home when I return. Go shower and be ready to leave."

With that, he slammed the door behind him and left.

I can't live like this anymore. There's only one thing left to do.

After you were sure he was gone, you got up from the floor trying not to cause anymore pain due to the injuries he left.

You went into the bathroom and closed the door, looking into the mirror at your bruised body.

After a moment, you opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out a pill bottle and untwisted the cap.

I'm sorry, Inko...Izuku. I hope you can forgive me someday...

Broken Smile (IzukuXReader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum