The mind can be deeper than the sea

Start from the beginning

"T-Thank you Roger" he lady said 

She then teleported to the guest area of the maw to only find Chef one struggling to calm down a guest.

"Sir please calm down I'm sure that the rat has already left" Said the chef "I KNOW IT LEFT WHY IS THERE ONE IN THE FIRST PLACE?!" screamed the guest "Please sir" the lady said while entering "calm down I'm sure we will find it at some point also, there were warnings of pests in the brochure-" "WELL THEN HOW ABOUT YOU GET AN EXTERMINATOR FOR THE VERMIN THAT YOU PUT ON MY PLATE!" He then grabbed  the plate that was in his room and threw it at the lady breaking her mask and nose by accident. 

"YOU" The lady shrieked "Oh n-no, Mistress please calm down."  said the chef.

 NO! screeched the lady. "YOU SIR CAN INSULT ME, BUT YOU WILL NEVER, AND I MEAN NEVER INSULT MY WORKERS DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT! She said while lifting the guest up with her  dark magic.

Y-y-yes miss, I-I-i'm so sorry it won't happen again! Cried out the guest.

The lady then while covering her face teleported to her room to prepare for the janitor's arrival

She didn't grab another spare as Roger was coming and he was blind so it wouldn't matter in the first place.

She heard a knock on her door a slightly flew in the direction of her door "Who is it?" she asked  

"It's me Roger" "Oh come on in Roger" said the Lady in yellow

"So what happened now?" asked the stubby stool of a man "Nightmares? Dreams? Lucid ones? The janitor said with a certain tone all to familiar to six. "WHAT! N-no, not like that replied the lady in an instant. 

"Well what is it about then?" Asked Roger "what did you want to talk about"

"I just feel like... he's- no Mono is still alive" The janitor was shocked hearing this his eyes would widen if ever took off the stupid blindfold he had on" "I-I'm sorry to be a doubtin debbie here Six but that's impossible you dropped him. He would have died from the fall right?" Six cringed at the word "Dropped"  She then replied "I know. But if he is then I could apologize, we could be friends again, I could tell him how I feel, and tell him why I did it roger." "Don't you think he deserves that much if he IS alive? 

"M'lady as much as I appreciate that you are much kinder than the last lady and you gave me back my arms as an apology," Said Roger "I don't think he would want to see you after what happened, if I were him no, offense to you I would hate you with every fiber of my being" 

"I KNOW THAT ROGER!" the lady slightly yelled  she relaxed and continued speaking "But... I just feel like this is eating me alive. I know him I WAS his BEST FRIEND, if anything he is looking for a way to get back at me, And I can feel it, I have  even counted the times I've felt these things."

"How many?" asked roger "One Billion" replied the lady. 

"So what do you think he would do" asked Roger "I think  know" said the lady

"If I remember correctly mono could travel through TV's"  "yeah so?" said the janitor. 

"To do something like that you would need to alter your frequency to enter through another world" said the lady. "I if I were him I would go back, go back to when we met." To stop this current future from ever existing."

"So in short" said the janitor "he's going to kill himself?" 

The lady haven't even thought of that that if mono were to change the past that now future him would be replaced if not then...


As if casting aside a doll GONE for eternity, at the thought of this a tear rolled down her cheek

No she can't, no WON'T let this happen 

"Rodger" she said as if going to utter a command 

"Yes mistress?" replied the janitor 

"I will be back however you may see me in a few.. seconds, days?" said the lady questionably 

"Where are you going?" asked the janitor

"To do something I should have done long ago" replied the lady

"I'm going to save him"


WOOoOoOooO HOoooooooO

Finally done another chapter

next one Of  will be the thin man's pov and i may be doing back and forth with their perspectives 

sorry also this chapter wasn't

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