Orange juice of aul

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Me: Hm... New episode. Hopefully I don't need to make a new update about it because I really can't be arsed and I'm falling out of the fandom

Me: And I don't have the heart to tell people I may never see the light if this book again

Me: Oh well. How bad can it be-?


Dum: Hey! Don't talk to my man in that way!

Me: *Spits out orange juice while simultaneously puking up my stir fry from earlier*


Hello humans. I am currently writing this just as that line has been said and I legit stopped it to come write this-

No lie.

No lie

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Well... Gimme a minute to get my ipad so I can write my exact thoughts of the episode as they happen

And beware, I may well straight up skip it, because... Dum is dumb.

Got le ipad lez go

Captain: Stop yelling at my girlfriend!

Me: I don't know how much more of this I can handle please let it end oh my god there's like 6 and a half minutes left and that makes me want to commit not breath THIS WAS A BAD IDEA-

Oh thank fucking god Mr Cheese is here to save the damn day omllllllll-

Omg yay! Their cosplays are back from like... aul 7 I believe!

Either that or it was like... aul 4, but eh, I can't remember that well

Okay, the episode has been redeemed. The cosplays have saved it.


I like that new map screen thingamajig, it do be very fancy

Don't mind me, I'm just going at the things thay don't matter


That shit actually made me jump omg-

And these drawings about the battle was great-

And fuck it's about Dum again.

I hate that stupid bitch.

Omg Mr cheese just got slapped in the face with death lol

Omg, Captain coming in clutch, that was cool man-

And... He keeps saying "So OP" and its actually kinda pissing me off-


So... How did I feel about the episode

I actually really liked it

Other than the unnecessary Dum x Captain bullshit, it was a really good one

I liked the fact that they're using different mods and stuff

But considering it did say jester, I thought it would be about the jester mod, that I'm pretty sure Socksfor1 made

Yeah, I watch him. And I watch Bakbak.

So yeah. That was my thoughts on the episode

As for my break, I have lied, I have legit made no art ever since I took the break

And I'm falling out of the fandom-

So, I'm actually not sure if I'll be continuing art and fics in this book, but I'll definitely be reviewing the episodes and maybe doing headcanons..?


Since they're easy enough to do, and I've noticed that hardly anyone is uploading fics on Wattpad anymore

I've come to the conclusion that other people are also falling out of the fandom

Which is sad, since I love it

I love aul, but idk, I just have no... sugar, spice and everything nice about it anymore

I've also joined another fandom since this upload and my last upload, so... yeah

I may make a book about it, I may not. Depends how far into the fandom I get.

I was real far into the aul one, so that's why I made the book

And why I stayed so committed to making a new update every day

So... yeah

As for Mr Egg's diary! I will finish that shit. At least... get some more in there. Even if I fall out of the fandom, I will commit and make it happen

I refuse to have an unfinished book!

*Pushes my acnl oneshot off the table and onto the floor*

We don't talk about that one-

So yeah. I'll fill you in next week I guess!

Love you all, come message me on discord, reminder, its

WeirdoArtist #0328

Come have fun! I'll be accepting any friend requests!

Also, I can probably make you a book cover of any book you wanna make on Wattpad, just gimme a DM!

I need motivation to get back into drawing ÓwÒ

Love you all my beautiful beans!

-A lonely but average JellieCatMC

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