The meeting * gone wrong*

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* the next day*

Kol: so Nik why was this emergency meeting of the Originals called?

Niklaus: 'Cause Hope switched her emotions off

Caroline: that's not good

Lizzy: no it's isn't

Hope: and it's about to get worse

Rebecca: what do you mean?

Hope: theres a barrier spell up on this house for 28 hours

Freya: so?

Hope: you and Caroline aren't hybrids right?

Elijah: yeah so?

Hope: hey Lizzy turn into a werewolf *vamp speed*

Freya: that's not good shes compelled her to turn

Lizzy: like that gonna * foots breaks* owww

Caroline: oh no

Niklaus: Freya take Caroline down to the basement and lock the door

Kol: Nik I just checked we're stuck on this floor

Lizzy: oh god * legs breaks*

Caroline: what do we do what do we do?

Lizzy: I don't * left arm breaks* owww

Elijah: shes to far gone we just need to wait it out

Freya: Elijah me and Caroline are not Hybrids if she bites us we will die

Kol: what about Nik's blood?

Niklaus: it won't work you need the blood of the first Hybrid or tribrid of that blood line
Thats why Katerina's blood worked for Stefan's bite and mine wouldn't have

Lizzy: and Caroline blind so how is she gonna run *right arm breaks* why is it taking so long?

Niklaus: I'll protect Caroline and it's taking so long 'Cause you're fighting it

Lizzy: * hands breaks* SHIT * Spine breaks* oh God

Freya: were going to be fine

Lizzy: *back breaks and eyes turn golden*

Niklaus: * picks up Caroline* Freya get ready to run

Lizzy: * fully turns*

Kol: everyone get ready

Lizzy: * charges and bites Freya*

Freya: owwww

Rebecca: * stabs Lizzy* no hard feelings

Niklaus: * puts Caroline down and bites palm* here it won't heal you but hopefully it'll
Slow it down

Freya: * drinks Niklaus blood* ahhhhh OH MY FUCKING GOD

Hope: oh did I forgot to mention if she drinks another Hybrids blood it increase the effectiveness of the bite * vamp speed*

Niklaus: we lost


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