Happy Ending..

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Prachi: Ranbir..
Author's pov..
She ran towards Ranbir and hugged him tight..
Prachi: I missed you..
Ranbir: Hmm me too..
Ranbir: How are you and-..
He bent down..
Ranbir: How is this small one..Do you disturb your mom huh?!
Prachi: Hmm a bit..and I am good..
Ranbir got straight and looked into eyes of Prachi..
Ranbir: I love you..
Prachi: I love you too..
Prachi: What about TINA?!
Ranbir: My team has gone to take the proofs..I am going office..I was here for a meeting..Come with me..
Prachi: hmm.
Prachi and Ranbir interlocked their fingers and started going to office....
When they reached office..a set of guards were holding Tina..
Ranbir: Look at this..
Manager of Ranbir gave him a file..
Prachi looked in the files..There were photos of Tina talking to The rival of Ranbir..
Ranbir: It was all planned..They stalked us to the trip venue..They saw how I loved you..and they wanted that you should go away from me so that they can drown my company as they thought that I would become weak without you..
Tina: I am sorry please leave me..
Prachi: I would spare you..but you tried to take father of my child..now for my child I will never spare you..
Tina: pleasee..
The police reached at time and took her away..
They had happy family ever after... All good and a happy ending..




......................~*:-THE END-:*~........................

Hey guys hope you all liked my story..and if I made you bore then I ask a humble sorry..THANKS FOR READING MY STORY AND I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

............~*:- WILL MISS THIS STORY-:*~...........

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