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It was a lovely day in Mondstadt, the sky finally clear after Dvalin has been stopped, everyone's happily chatting, and the knights patrolling around looking for any suspicious person.

Just as the people were bustling with joy, outside the city gates is a guy with [H/L] [H/C] hair carrying a big luggage over his back with his hands over his knees as he breathed heavily before looking at the gates with [E/C] eyes as he smiles seemingly relieved that he has made it to the City of Freedom

"Finally, Mondstadt the City of Freedom, I'm finally here."

After catching his breath he straightens his back before hastily walking over the bridge accidentally scaring the birds away as a small boy starts throwing a temper tantrum before the [H/C] man apologizes to the boy and continuing his walk to the gates when he gets halted by the guards

"Halt, Please state your name and business."

"O-oh, my name is (Y/N) (L/N) and I'm actually moving here!"

"I see, well then Mondstadt Welcomes you (Y/N)! I hope your stay in the City of Freedom is to your satisfaction!"

"Thank you, it sure is!"

After talking to the guards he steps into the city as he hears the chatting and singing of bards before heading to a Katheryn and asking her for any apartments he could rent out. After being given the places of inns and apartments he walks further into the city, while walking he received lots of warm welcomes and smiles as every smile that was presented to him made him love the City even more.

But not everything goes the way he wants, when he gets to the first inn he gets informed that all the rooms have already been rented before going to the other inns and apartments, only getting the same answer as he starts to get worried if he'll have a room to stay as the sun was already starting to set. Remembering that the guild also has an inn, he goes back to Katheryn and asks if theirs any room he can rent out before getting the same response from Katheryn.

"I'm sorry, but all the rooms are already occupied."

"But is there anymore inns or apartments i could just rent out for a night?"

"I'm sorry, but all the inns and apartments i have given you are the only ones in Mondstadt."

(Y/N) feeling dejected slumps over as he probably have to sleep outside and wait for a room to be vacant, but just as he was gonna withdraw from the guild, a voice could be heard behind him.

"As expected, your here at the right time."

Turning around the first thing (Y/N) saw was a girl with a big witch hat dyed in blue with stars all over them, dark blue hair tied into two long pig tails and the overall clothes that she wore was galaxy themed.

"I am a Astrologist Mona Magistus, meaning the great Astrologist Mona, you're (Y/N) (L/N) correct?"

(Y/N) was shocked to say the least, the girl named Mona is a Astrologist and already knows his full name. He's been told that Astrologists are to be wary off since they can predict your intentions and know your deepest secrets, he felt the need to just run away before she digs too deep into his life, but he needed to know what she was after.

"Y-yes I am, is there something you need?" He gives out a nervous smile

"Do not fret, I'm not here to dig into your past and use it as blackmail, do you really think i would do such a thing?" Mona says before crossing her arms as she examines (Y/N) from head to toe.

"Do not fret, I'm not here to dig into your past and use it as blackmail, do you really think i would do such a thing?" Mona says before crossing her arms as she examines (Y/N) from head to toe

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As she examines him, from the visible scar on his neck to his [H/C] and [E/C] eyes, what caught her attention though was the glowing dendro vision that's placed on his belt.

(Y/N) getting uncomfortable with Mona staring at his vision, decided to continue on the supposed conversation their having

"Well would you kindly tell me what you want from me?"

Mona lifts her gaze to the taller male as she continues on talking while using her vision to examine his constellation.

"I've predicted that you won't be able to occupy any apartments or inns so i decided to come here to make a deal with you."

"A deal?" (Y/N) lifts his eyebrow

"Yes, a deal. I'm currently occupying a house right now that can have up to 3 people to live in it, and essentially the deal is that we share the house and in exchange, we'll split the bill for the both of us. Is that good enough?" Mona stops using her vision and stretches her hand as she waits for him to answer.

(Y/N) finally getting a place to stay doesn't hesitate to agree to it and shakes her hand


"It seems your housing problem has been solved."

Katheryn's voice scares (Y/N) as he forgotten that she was behind him, while a giggling Mona could be heard as she starts walking away beckoning him to follow her. Thanking Katheryn for her help, (Y/N) catches up to the Astrologist as the Moon starts to rise and shine throughout Teyvat, but as they were walking in silence (Y/N) couldn't help but wonder why she wanted him to share the house with her since having a house all to yourself seemed to be a good thing as a Astrologist but decided to ask her once they get inside the house.

After the short walk they arrived at the house, (Y/N) takes a short moment to look at it before following Mona inside the house. Stepping inside, he could see that its the living room/kitchen and in the corner is a staircase going up, looking at the room presented it looked very clean apart from the Astrology equipment next to him, after being called by Mona to follow him upstairs, he saw three doors spaced apart and at the very end is another door seemingly the bathroom.

"Alrighty then, you can pick between the middle or the one closest to the bathroom since i already occupy the first one, and the usual rent is 50k mora but since you now also live here you'll have to pay 25k every start of the month"

As (Y/N) walks to the last room, Mona follows him and gives him the house rules

"I don't really have any rules here other than no inviting guests over unless you tell me beforehand and don't be too noisy since that'll disturb my concentration, got that?"

When (Y/N) enters the room he drops his big luggage next to his new bed before questioning the Astrologist whose leaning at the doorframe

"Yeah I do, but I have some questions"

"Alright then, make I quick since I need to do continue my research"

"First, Why did you want another person to share the house with since you being a Astrologist would no doubt be better to be alone and Second, why me of all people? Wouldn't you be a little wary of me being a guy or something?"

"Well for starters as much as I don't want to admit it, I can't pay 50k mora every month and with my research it'll just cost me more mora on trying to get more equipment."

As Mona answers his questions she stops leaning against the doorframe and faces him before revealing why she wasn't wary of him being a guy.

"And second of all, I know you won't do anything perverted to me since I already know that you aren't even attracted to the opposite gender. I've already tried to get someone to share this house with me but their either already occupying a different place, or the fact that their not like you."

Just as (Y/N) was gonna open his mouth, Mona decided to add something more

"And don't worry, i won't tell anybody of your secret, i doubt anyone would do something since this is the City of Freedom, and the fact that I'm not the type of person to blackmail somebody, so if you don't have anymore questions, ill be off. Good Night and Sweet Dreams"

Mona finishes before closing the door and hearing her footsteps walk away. (Y/N) sits on the bed in silence, before fetching his pajamas and heading straight to bed not bothering to take a shower.

Authors Notes:
Just to be clear, i did not draw that i just edited the neck scars, vision, and bandages.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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