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Megan sat in the house and looked as the door opened. She sat up and smiled as she saw Sami and lay back.

"Babe. Can we talk about this" he said as she sat up and ran her hands through her hair

"what do you want Sami" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"I want to sort this. I want to sort us. Don't you see how much I love you" he said as she moved over so that he was sitting next to her. She could feel the tears in her eyes.

Megan knew how it was with them. He was working all of the time and he was spending more and more time with verity and she knew that she was jealous and insecure about it and she hated how jealous and insecure that it made her. Megan knew that the last thing that she wanted to be was the jealous girlfriend

"what do you want me to do sami. She is stunning and she makes me feel so insecure and I hate it as the last thing I want to do is loose you. You mean to much to me" Megan said as Sami smiled

"and you mean everything to me. I'd do anything for you" he said as she sighed

"I trust you not her and it scares me" Megan said as he nodded

"I'll sort it okay I promise" Sami said as he leant in and kissed her

Megan sat in the house and smiled as she looked to see Aimee

"I thought you were out with warren" Megan asked

"we had a fight" Aimee said as she sat on the sofa across from her

"must be something in the air. It's all me and Sami seem to be doing, it said he was going to sort it and I don't know what that means" Megan said as Aimee smiled

"I think warren is having an affair, and I know you are worried over verity. You don't need to worry if you saw how Sami was with you. How he looked at you. You would see that you have nothing to worry about you are his world" Aimee said as Megan looked to get and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair and smiled

"I don't know. I don't know what it is, I mean he means everything to me and he's changed me for the best and I love him and I know if I do loose him then it will be worse then I was before it will kill me and I want to trust me but it's so hard" Megan said as Aimee looked to her and smiled as she walked over to her and smiled as she wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug and smiled

"you will make it work I promise" Aimee said

Megan sat in her room and looked as the door opened. She looked to see Sami and smiled as she stood up

"I told verity I can't work with her, I'm going to work with James and it's all for you" sami said as Megan frowned

"you hate James"

"I think he is overbearing but I love you more and I will do what I can so that you are happy" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"I love you too" Megan said as she leant in and kissed him.

Megan wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her close but could sami keep her happy?

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