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"We had plan A?" I asked him as I shuttle to and fro.
He replied with regrets, "Yes, we had but unfortunately it's messed up right now."

"Tell me plan A. Right now Aiden." I Insisted.
It was a total mess. As if I am walking over a thin rope and I might fall anytime. Below is a sea full of sharks.
"Aiden, we have to work together." I told him with eyes full of confidence.
I echoed, "Together."
He agreed and began, "Well,I thought I could make everything alright. But I was wrong. I wanted to solve this puzzle alone."

I looked at him and assured him with a smile that it's okay !

He declared," Yes, from now on we work together."

I nodded and asked," okay so what's in your mind for plan B? " "Tell me everything in detail without skipping or hiding a singel word." I  effused.

"But let's eat first, I am starving." he said as he pointed towards the food.

"Permission granted mister." I chuckled as I said.

He said mocking, "To be honest I never asked your permission in the first place ma'am."

I opened the bag of fish and chips pouting.

He chortled.

We both ate as if we didn't eat for days. Well we were actually freaking hungry as all we had was the beverage in the cafe.
While we were eating to our heart content suddenly the train stopped. Chaos started in the train.

In middle of a windy night, cold wind coming from contrasting directions. In a suspicious environment. If we look through the window all we can see is pitch black sky and some trees from far behind. The train stopped without any notice.
Everyone had one question and that was, "what's going on? "
The conductor came and tried to settle the chaotic situation. He ensured safety of everyone saying, "Please stay in your respective places. Nothing to worry about.Stay calm. Some officers has come to check something regarding their investigation. After completing their task we will start again for our. Rest assured."

The clueless people were at ease after hearing the reason behind the sudden situation but We looked at each other with a mixture of awe and fear.
Something wasn't right. It seemed really suspicious.
I was wound up.
I whispered ," Aiden, I smell Rat. Is it Chester?"
He agreed, "That's a possibility. It was the first thing that came Into my mind too. But  is that even possible? "
I had a hint about how it might be possible after watching dozens of detective movie in orphanage.
I reached my hands towards his phone and grabbed it and gasped, "It's so simple to be tracked, Aiden. They probably tracked your number."
He sighed and asked, "what should we do now?"
"your asking me now?" i said pointing out the fact that he kept everything secret until now.
"It's not the right time to argue. Think." he reminded me about the present situation.
I came up with one of the most familiar solution.
I suggested him, "Should we through your phone?"
He added, " As far as we can, through the window?"
I nodded as I titter.
He slightly opened the window. After putting his phone inside the bag of fish and Chips.He threw it with all his strength.
He cheered.
I again whispered,"what about the pendrive?"
He suggested , "hide it."
As soon as I was gonna ask 'where' .
About 5 men entered. They were in black suits and had an expressionless face. I hurriedly put the pendrive in side my mouth. Yes, I know. Very smart of me. Pendrive was small maybe almost 1.5 inch length. I was able to keep it Inside without being suspicious. But obviously it was the most wrong decision I took cause it was disgusting.
The men in suits came and started checking everyone's belonging and asking them questions like 'where they are from' , 'what they do' or 'what's the purpose of their visit.'
Soon it was our turn. They came and checked both of our bags.
They started asking those same questions.
Aiden replied to their questions on my behalf too.
And the outcome wasn't good.
"Why are you answering her questions? Can't she speak?" asked one of the man in Suits.
I replied, "ay cun repluy bat ay huv tuut achu."
I didn't even understand what I told.
But Aiden started laughing loudly and replied, "She has tooth ache. For that reason it's hard for her to speak properly.please Pardon her."
They believed it and left for checking the next passenger.

And unfortunately I had to use the washroom at that very moment.  Also I had to do something about the pendrive.I stood up and walked towards the washroom.
Abruptly I heard one of the man talking over phone," Sir, No sign of any suspicious person. We gathered all the pendrives and after going through them I will report you Sir."

And that made me sure about who the man was  behind the scene. It was Chester.
I went back to the seat and asserted everything to Aiden.
"Let's act as if nothing happened."said Aiden.

I was supposed to act normal. And also I wasn't intended to keep my guard down.
But without noticing I fell asleep again. Even tho I slept way too much today.
I woke to the sounds of Bell rings, people chattering , birds chirping and the sound of wind. I yawned while rubbing my eyes.
Weather was beautiful and comfortable.
Seemed like a perfect day. As I opened my eyes I notice Aiden looking outside, all covered in the bright day light. Aiden looked at me and smiled saying , "Good morning, how was your sleep?"
I noticed his tired and sleepy face. Shortly I realised that he didn't sleep at all.He was wide awake the whole night. I said in an apologising tone, "I am so sorry. I fell asleep. I was careless. Where are we now? Where are those guys?"
He again smiled and replied, "Chill Amelie! Everything is alright. You must have been tired."
I was pleased to hear such a delightful and considerate reply. He's really a human. I was wrong he's not a halfwit alien. But that was for a minute. I regreted everything that I said just after a single minute.

"I recorded you while you were snoring but the problem was I recorded on your phone. As there ia a possibility that you might delete it. so, I sent it to almost every student in the school.And don't worry I made sure to sent it to your Mom too " said Aiden with a mischievous look in his face.

"And here I thought he changed. I take back whatever I said in my mind." I said as I rubbed my eyes.
"Oh my lord! You praised me? That sentence just made my day even tho I didn't get the golden opportunity to hear that from my own two ears." Aiden started laughing after saying that.

I replied, "Excuse me sir, I just said that I take it back."
"Well doesn't matter." he said as he laughed more.

That's how our morning started.
The train wasn't in motion. It was still in a  platform
We had to get out of the train and take grab our breakfast.
We stepped off the train onto the platform.
"You need rest,Aiden."i asserted to him.
He responded teasing ,"  I can stay alive without sleeping unlike you ,sleepyhead."
I knew I can't win the argument.
I continued walking and agreed with him in a low voice," Yes, Mr. Owl."
He didn't hear it tho.
We grabbed some cream buns as I was about to pay I realised another thing. That was I didn't bring any money. I looked at Aiden with a criminal face and before I could say anything, he paid the bill. And said,
" I know Miss forgetful didn't bring a single penny."
I apologised, "I am so sorry! I will return the money back as soon as we get back home."
"I don't want your money." he stated.
I looked at him with respect and asked, "Really? You are that nice?"
"Well of course I am that nice. That's why everyday after returning home you will bring me lunch at school and do all my assignments." he demanded.
I glared at him and asserted, "Okay! As you wish your highness."
I fell like a useless 5 year old kid who can't buy her own things.

We settled down on a wooden bench. It was quite cold in the morning. As we were eating I noticed that we didn't get the opportunity to talk about the plan. While I was about to ask him about the plan.
Someone interrupted from behind while placing a hand on Aidens shoulder. In a deep voice the person said, "Hey kid! It's been a while."

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