52. The 'Manly' Competitions!

Bắt đầu từ đầu

This same night, Shuǐ ChénLín took off his clothes, neatly placed them on some rocks, then silently slipped into the water.

He went over to the waterfall, shut his eyes, and let the lighter jets of water splash directly onto him.

LanFen had resurfaced for a while, but the steam covering the water, and the loud rush of the waterfall, didn't alert her to any other presence, so she happily began to bathe in peace.

Naturally, the one under the loud torrents of water didn't hear her either.

And that's how two unsuspecting people, shared the vast natural 'tub', without noticing each other, until...

"Achoo!" LanFen sneezed.

"Who's there?!" Shuǐ ChénLín was suddenly on his guard.

"Ei?! Elder brother Shuǐ?!"

LanFen had turned to face him. "He's really the 'Surprise Attack specialist'!" She muttered to herself, as she ducked into the water, and swam out, taking advantage of the steam.

LanFen had already donned her white inner robes by the time Shuǐ ChénLín came out.

"Zhao LanFeng! You really know how to surprise a person!" Shuǐ ChénLín stormed over.

LanFen turned to face him. 'Wow!!'

Shuǐ ChénLín was bathed in the soft rays of sunlight filtering through the trees, and the light seemed to accentuate his handsome face.

The water made his skin glisten, and the shades made his eyes seem deeper and darker than usual.

His skin was slightly flushed, and his wet hair fell over his shoulders, to his bare chest, causing tiny rivulets of water to run down his well built torso, into his white underwear...

LanFen's heart beat a little faster, and she felt her face heat up, so she hurriedly turned away, reaching for her outer robe as an excuse to do so.

"Ehehehe! Fancy running into Elder broth-, ah, Fènghuáng-Jun here!"

Shuǐ ChénLín walked a short distance, then reached for his own inner robe.

Had Zhao LanFeng used some secret technique on him, that night? That troublesome aura had not gone away, and right now, it had increased in alarming intensity, which made the waterfall hotter than usual.

He felt his heartbeat quicken, and couldn't quite help the colour that stained his neck, ears and face.

"What are you doing here?" He demanded coldly, as he donned his inner robes.

"The same thing Fènghuáng-Jun is doing here! The big waterfall is always too crowded so I usually come to this smaller one." She was belting her outer robe around her waist, then hastily tied the white ribbon, to hold the belt in place.

"Choose another one." Shuǐ ChénLín said in the same cold tone. "I use this one often."

'I won't come back, even if you didn't say that!' LanFen thought, but aloud she said, "Understood, Fènghuáng-Jun."

She turned to leave, and was passing his back, when she was struck by a sudden mischievous thought.

"Fènghuáng-Jun." She began.

"What?" Shuǐ ChénLín asked.

"Is your skin red right now because of the heat?" LanFen leaned closer. "Or because you're actually shy that I saw your naked skin?"

Shuǐ ChénLín, "............."


"Wah!" LanFen ducked and leapt away, as Shuǐ ChénLín swiftly swung out with his sword!

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