Chapter 5: Big Decision Pt.1

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Abuu was seriously worried about his son, he didn't want his only son to be like him after he lost his wife, he didn't want him to live a lonely life like he did and for that he had to think deeply.

He doesn't trust any of his friends, he knew all of them were just after the wealth their kids would inherit from them.

He sighed deeply turning over on his office chair. He had an office in his chamber.

Someone he hasn't spoken to for years flashed into his mind.


His best friend when they were in both secondary school and higher institution, he lost his contact after he moved to Saudi Arabia where he found his lifeline, Aisha.

He dialed a certain number.

"Yes, boss" a very strong voice said on the other end.

"Israfil. I need you to find me the number and address of Jamil Faruk Mayana Right now"  He ordered.

"Done, Boss" he said.

Abu hanged off the phone waiting for the number.

After 10 minutes of waiting, Israfil sent him the number and he quickly dialed it.

It rang four times before someone picked up.

"Hello" he heard the voice he had not heard for years, but has never forgotten.

He sat down properly on the chair

There was a long silence on the other end, that Abu almost thought that he had hanged up.

"Muhammad is that really you? " Uncle jamil asked, and his voice shooked slightly.

"Yes, its me, I can't believe you still recognize my voice after so many years". Abuu said.

Uncle jamil laughed happily " How can I forget your voice? that's not even in the dictionary of possible, come on now tell me what you want because I know you very well, you didn't contact me for so many years and all of a sudden you call me?" Uncle jamil said.

Abuu smiled, "You still understand me even after many years. Well you're right there's something I need."

"Aha, I knew it". He smiled too
"What is it?" He added.

"It's about my boy, my son" Abu said.

"Oh I forgot to ask about him, how's he?" Uncle asked.

"He's fine.....wait, " Abu said figuring out something.
"How did you know about him?" He asked confused.

"Come on, you're always on the news how could I have not known that" Uncle said.

Abuu was a little bit hurt, even though he knew he also hadn't contacted him for so many years, he was hurt to find out that he knew where to find him, but still he didn't care to.
"And you didn't seem to care about coming to where I was"

"I'm notso sorry, but finding you at that time was not easy my friend, you had bodyguards all over how could I reach you when I'm just a nobody?" Uncle apologized proving his point.

"You could have create scene just like you always do, then I would have to be called and I would have seen you, and don't you dare say you're a nobody again". Abu teased.

"What if they shoot me then huh?" Uncle played along.

"Then at least I will get to see your body, that'd be enough" Abu joked again.

They both laughed whole heartedly.

"So tell me what were you saying about my son?" Uncle brought up the topic again curiosity dripping out of his voice.

Abuu wondered why uncle was so curious, but he avoided the topic and they continued to talk.

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With love

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