part 004 - (philza)

Start from the beginning

"I'm glad you two are getting along. I was afraid since you're both the Goddess of Death and Life, you wouldn't get along." Cybele waved him off, rolling her wrist at the silly thought.

"How preposterous, Philza, I get along with Foolish swimmingly, and he is the God of Death and Rebirth." Death nods her head.

"She is correct, what made you think we wouldn't get along?" he shrugs at that, turning around, his back facing the two older women.

"Well, I guess I was worried for nothing." and at that comment, he failed to notice the glare the duo were sending each other. Life and Death were a force to be reckoned with, they didn't get along well with each other, but they both loved Philza just as much to drop all the tension between each other just to be there for him.

Now back to the story at hand.

Philza let out a tired sigh, landing on the ground after flying quite the distance, he took his signature green and white stripped hat and fanned his face before putting it back on his head. Letting out a groan followed by a couple chuckles, the murder of crows that usually flock around him finally caught up to him and were flying around him and chattering like broken record players, it was rather unfortunate that only he was able to communicate with the birds.








"Quiet down, would you?" he pleaded with the birds, waving some of them off when they were crowding his vision. Most of them still flew around him, repeating the same words over and over while a few of the silent ones perched themselves on his shoulders and his head, he chuckled at the one sitting on his head and raising his hand, allowing the bird to hop onto his fingers and lower it so they were eye to eye with him "Calm down would yah, mate? We're coming up on a village, I'd appreciate you lot to piss off when I go in. Wouldn't want to scare off the locals, would I?"








"Please, god no! I need to do some tradin'! I don't want that Iron Golem on my ass!" he let out a groan, a few of the crows fucked off, maybe only a handful still flocked around him and another few perched themselves on his shoulders, head and wings as he entered the village. He obviously got a few looks from the locals, but paid no mind to them as searched for a Cleric, planning on trading some emeralds for a Bottle o' Enchanting, if he were lucky, that is. He tussles with his hair beneath his hat before approaching the clerics house but soon got side tracked when he heard the chattering coming from the crows around him. 









"What's this nonsense about a... Goddess?" he slowly trailed off when his eyes landed on the person they were chattering about, not believing his eyes at the sight before him. Exiting out of a Librarian's home, he saw the glimmer of golden blonde hair that blew back because of the wind, forest green eyes that sparkled out of excitement and peculiar white branch like antlers that protruded out of her head with a few small birds that flew around her, tweeting sweet tunes or turned themselves on her horns.

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