Her mind was conflicted.  Because her masters had forbidden her from entering Buddhas abode and that included the steps.  But Daoshi said she could and Buddha had not chased her away, and nor had he berated her much less beaten her.  So she really didn't know what to think and the way her small shoulders shuddered at the prospect of another beating, had Mo Yuan giving up on the lesson.  It was obvious the girl needed something but had not yet made it known.  And he wouldn't know until he sat her down to talk.

Sighing, he rose to his feet and slowly made his way towards her.  He needed to put a few things straight and though he didn't want to frighten her, he did need to ask a few more questions.  If she was going to continue visiting his temple, he really wanted to know why she was there more than where she had come from.  So leaving his disciples to continue the lesson without him, he raised a privacy barrier around the both of them.

"Follow me Ye Yu." he said softly before turning towards the main entrance.  "Just follow the sound of my footsteps.: he added waiting for her to rise to her feet.

Once again her feet were bare and the same white slip barely kept her decent which saddened him, because he had an inkling as to what she actually was.  But he continue to say nothing as he led her out of the temple and onto a path that led to a private garden.  A place he loved to relax in while also ensuring they would not be interrupted.

The moon was directly above them, so it was the middle of the night which seemed to be her calling time which was fine with him.  He liked the night, he always had, because it meant the time was his own, a time of day where work was put to the back of his mind so his own thoughts could take flight.  

Only the way the girl squatted down on the ground before yet another statue of Buddha rather than sitting on one of the three benches had him also lowering himself to the ground beside her.   Under the moonlight, her pale complexion and large doe like eyes, reminded him of a lost child who wanted answers, but was too fearful to ask.  Or rather, not really knowing what to ask, because confusion, fearfulness and a even a little hope.

"Ye Yu...  I am not Buddha.  I am a Daoshi and a teacher of Buddhism." he explained gently and as simply as he could.  "This is not Heaven, but a private temple and school for young men."

Turning her head towards the voice, her eyes scanned her surroundings for him in understanding but not yet acceptance.

"Then.... if you are Daoshi, why am I here?" she questioned as the confusion rose.  Daoshi from her home temple had said she was welcome in Buddhas home, so she had assumed that statement had given her access to said home via her dreams   But if he wasn't Buddha, and this was a temple for young men, then why had she come to this temple?  She might have been a simple girl with no worldly experience, but this made no sense.

"You don't know why you're here?" Mo Yuan asked incredulously and with a rise of his brows while watching as the confusion quickly began to turn to discomfort.  In fact, she was close to crying.

"I thought Buddha invited me here......" she whispered as the tears slipped off her lashes in disappointment.  It was obvious this Daoshi didn't want her there, because he didn't sound all that happy with her, she could hear it in the tone of his voice.

Realizing his tone of voice had upset her, Mo Yuans eyes sadly softened at the way her hands rose to cover her face and her body to crumble at what she was deeming to be rejection.  Her small hand had reached out to touch the Buddha statue only to quickly snatch it back as if burnt for daring to touch him let alone intrude on his sacred temple for men.

"I didn't mean to cause trouble.  I just wanted to come and see your home, because the other Daoshi said I could.  I won't bother you ag......" she almost got out, before the gentleness she had come to trust, forced her head up to swivel around for him.

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