Chapter 1

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It was a regular hot summer day in Los Angeles as Bugs takes this time to hang out with his girlfriend Lola while his best friend Daffy is off hanging out with his girlfriend Tina.

Which was not that often since Bugs was always used to having Daffy around to keep him company.

The two were at the country club having lunch under a shaded umbrella table by the tennis courts in the their typical causal wear of polos, hats and khakis or skirts with neck tied sweaters.

Bugs, like usual, would listen to Lola's non-stop talk about everything that would randomly flow through her mind.

Similar to Daffy, she also tends to be silly and out there with her thoughts a lot.

This never surprised him much.

However, what did shock him was the unexpected twist of words in her happy-go-lucky personality that actually got him to listen to her for real this time.

"I can't be with you anymore." Lola said, in a overly fashioned dramatic tone.

"What? Why?" Bugs asked, confused.

His eyes were widen as he leaned closer to her so he could understand her better.

"Because.... I'm in love with someone else." Lola explained while twirling her fingers around.

The last few words of her statement, suddenly flipped his emotions back to normal with an oh expression.

He figured that she was just only playing around and waved off his worries.

"Lola, you said that before and you weren't even with the guy for that long. Why are you talking about this again?" Bugs asked in a monotone voice.

"I know, I know but it feels like that every time I go shopping at the mall or to the country club with my parents, I somehow can't stop thinking about him. Its the way he is with his accent and words. So smooth and fine. Like a midnight Romeo waiting for his Juliet. Its almost as if... he's a true romantic, a real class charmer." Lola said, dreamily.

"That's because he's French and natural womanizer who wants you to believe that he's in love with you." Bugs explained in bored tone, his eyes rolled at her.

Hopefully, he can get her to see reality but it seems that she had already lost touch with it.

"I'm sorry. I have to go back to him. I know he's out there somewhere waiting for me." Lola said, drastically.

"Um. I'm pretty sure he's still here. He works at the country club, remember?" Bugs informed.

"Oh, okay then, Bye Bugs." Lola said with a wave as she slowly walks away from the table.

Bugs then, jumps out and catches up with her.

"Wait! You're not serious about this are ya?" Bugs asked frantically as he holds onto her hand to stop her from moving any further.

"Bugs, there comes a time where we must all find our own way of life. A place where we can truly be happy with ourselves and that place, envisioning in my mind is not involved with you." Lola explains, in a wise like tone.

"But.." Bugs tries to say before he gets cut off.

"it was lovely getting to be you girlfriend while it lasted, but now I must move on with my life. Start a new era with someone that I will truly love in the end. This is where we must part ways. Goodbye Bugs, I'll never forget you." Lola said in a dramatic form as she walks off and exits the club.

Leaving Bugs in the mist of confusion, dumbfounded, and in disbelief.

It took Bugs more than a few minutes to realize that underneath her silliness, she was for real this time.

"She dumped me?" Bugs asked rhetorically as he slowly sat back down in his chair, puzzled about what to do next.


It was late at night when Bugs finally reached home and slowly closed the door behind him.

He had been drinking and looked as if a wave has crashed over him as he joins Daffy, who got home a lot earlier than he did, on the couch.

At this point, he didn't care that he had to sit and watch 'St Steve James: Off Duty Cop' all night long as long as it doesn't involve him going back outside at all to face reality.

Daffy turns around to face him and was concerned.

"Bugs? What's wrong? And why do you smell so bad?" Daffy asked whiffing off his odor from the shots that Bugs had at a nearby bar.

"Its Lola. She.....she left me." Bugs explained sadly.

"What?" Daffy asked, now surprised.

"She's still in love with that skunk guy and dumped me this morning at the Country Club" Bugs informed.

"I don't understand, you two were so perfect for each other." Daffy said, confused.

"Obviously, not perfect enough. She told me that she needed someone who she will truly love her forever and I ain't that person." Bugs added on in stifling manner.

Daffy looked at him sadly with his heart sunk deep in the ground.

He felt bad and could understand completely how he felt because, unaware to Bugs, he was also 'dumped' by Tina a few weeks ago.

She claimed that she needed a man who was willing to step up to the plate and work for once.

Which to Daffy, never was a thing for him to do at all.

Thus, ending the relationship of 2 years that they could have spent longer together.

Daffy thought about the last moments with her before turning his attention back to Bugs.

"I should have been a better boyfriend to her." Bugs said in a slurred, slumped up tone.

"You and me both." Daffy mumbled as he got up from the couch and looked over at him.

He looked like he could use something to cheer him up and what better way to do that then to brew up some coffee since neither of them will be planning on sleeping anytime soon.

"You want some coffee? I don't know how to turn it on, but I can try make some." Daffy offered as Bugs nodded his head slowly in response.

Daffy then goes to the kitchen and after several failed attempts, ends up putting a bunch of water in the pot, wetting the paper filter by accident in the process with only 1 scoop of coffee to dispense in the filter itself.

He then studies it for a moment, not sure why it wouldn't activate yet, until he saw a start button and pushes it.

"There, we go." Daffy said proudly as he watches the coffee pot brew a half a pot of very light brown substance into the container.

Once it was done, Daffy grabbed two cups and fills them both up.

He puts lots of milk and sugar in one while leaving the other one plain since Bugs was a straight up, no cream, no sugar, coffee drinker.

When he got through with the milk, he puts it back in the fridge and carries the two cups in his hand as he walks over back to Bugs but was disappointed to sees that Bugs had already fell asleep after working so hard on that batch of coffee.

So, he props Bugs up on the couch correctly to make him more comfortable with a pillow placed underneath his soft head.

He then, lays Bugs's coffee on the table beside them and drank his own up.

Apparently, the milk and sugar from his coffee cup was able to disguise the awful taste of the weakly brewed coffee that Daffy had made a mess of.

He then, watches T.V until his eyes start to get droopy and soon fell asleep too on his green recliner.

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