Chapter 1

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"It's not a choice anymore, Win," Sam's deep voice shot into the air.
We were both seated at the dinning table in Emily's kitchen, plates of breakfast foods piled high across the linoleum counters of Emily and Sam's kitchen. Inhaling, my mouth watered slightly at the thought of tasting the pack moms heavenly cooking and for a short moment inside their kitchen I finally thanked having an enhanced sense of smell.
Sam's large calloused hand smacked on the table and I could tell he was getting aggravated with me, but I just couldn't understand his side. Why should I go to school when we have leeches running through the area and only two members to the current pack. He wouldn't be able to fight off multiple vampires if they caught him alone so why wouldn't he let me join him on patrols!

Sam's cold glare cut me out of my thoughts, "Sam," I started as I leaned back and crossed my arms, "if I go to the rez I not only risk exposing myself as a shifter, but I also risk leaving you at the mercy of the leeches!" I snapped at him, and I felt my anger rise to high levels.

"Please don't wolf out in my kitchen," Emily's soft voice came from the other side of the room and it was only then I realized that I had been shaking increasingly. I shot her a sympathetic glance and muttered a small sorry.

I breathed deeply for a moment to calm my nerves and collect myself, finally sighing out to my alpha, "Sam, I don't want to leave you alone on patrol - especially not with the leeches crossing our border," I growled as the word leeches felt like it burned my tongue, but a sharp look from Sam cut the growl in my throat short.
Emily walked up behind Sam and wrapped her slim arms around his broad shoulders, the scarred half of her face resting gently against the side of his neck. I remember that day - the day Sam lost it on Em. I can still remember the smell of blood, the look of terror on his face for weeks afterwards, and hearing from Sue how Leah sobbed herself to sleep every night after Sam ended things with her. At first, I was pissed at Sam and what he had done to Leah (me having a huge crush on her since grade 4) but shortly after, I shifted as well. Sam and Emily took care of me and taught me how to handle my new supernatural body. I had to tell all of my friends I was sick with mono, and today would be the first time I went back to school in weeks.
I smiled at the couple and deep inside my heart ached with dull pain. I so desperately wanted what they had, the perfect love.

Emily rubbed her hands across his back and Sam ran his hand across his face, "I know sis," he spoke softer this time and reached across the table to rest a hand on mine, "I'm going to be fine. The leeches haven't been crossing our border recently, and Jared is going to shift soon," he nodded to me and we glanced over to Emily as she started piling our plates up.

With a huff I nodded, knowing that no matter what I say he will ultimately alpha order me. I just worry for Sam, he's my pack brother and I wouldn't be able to go on without him.
"Now!" Emily let out a light call to us, taking a seat on Sam's lap and pressing a kiss to his bronzed cheek, "Let's eat up and get you to school," Sam and I laughed out before quickly stuffing out faces, one of the many issues of being a shifter is the bottomless pit of a stomach. Me and Sam have basically been eating Emily out of house and home.


I stepped out of my black pick-up and immediately wanted to leave. I had never liked school much before I shifted and began my supernatural life, but I hated it even more after.
Everyone stared at me as I walked through the hallways to my first class; they parted like the read seas and their eyes were huge. I wasn't dumb, I had heard the rumors about Sam and the supposed cult he was starting. The rumors had never much bothered me before, but now that I was back from my supposed mono (and with supernatural hearing at that) I couldn't wait for my shift after school. I mean, it wasn't every day someone with mono comes back a 6'0" wall of muscle with a tattoo. I suppose, if I were human, that I would have looked and stared too but I almost wished they would be less obvious about it.

When I entered the lunch room, I almost yelped in pain at the intense noises all around me. I winced and placed a palm to my aching ears in an attempt to soothe them. I was still getting used to all the supernatural aspects of myself. I bought myself a giant amount of lunch; consisting mostly of 2 burgers, 3 servings of fries, a salad, and a coke. I may have looked like a pig, but i'll be damned if I have to go through an entire shift without something to eat. As I stuffed my face, a commotion broke out behind me. It seemed like some yelling and shoving, but I was more interested in sucking down my meal than I would ever be with the random high school dramas. It wasn't until I felt an intense amount of heat that I shot my head back. To my surprise, Jared Cameron stood in front of another boy with a look of pure anger across his face. He was drenched in sweat and beginning to shake lightly, and I could hear his growls from the other side of the cafeteria. I panicked and jerked myself up, throwing my bag around my shoulder as I made my way to him.
"Jared," I said as I grabbed his shoulder lightly, "C'mon man, lets get you out of here," Although confused, he seemed rather compliant and I figured it was his inner wolf that made him to easy to comply.

"W-where are we going," He huffed out, hand swiping across his forehead as sweat beaded down. I held his forearm and was dragging him deep into the woods near the res high school, making sure no heartbeats were found near us.

As I finally stopped, I turned to face him and gave him a sympathetic smile, "I'm sorry about this, brother," He made a confused grunt but before he could ask my right palm had connected with his cheek, a loud slapping sound resonating through the forest.

He began to growl and shake, his body beginning to shift and crack as his bones began to rearrange before he busted out as a giant brown wolf. Instantly, his anger dissipated and fear and confused swelled in his eyes. I watched for a moment as he whimpered, holding my palm out gently to him, "It's okay Jared," and I shifted as well, not minding my clothes as they shredded to my wolf form.

I instantly howled for Sam, and he responded quickly. What's going on, Sam asked.

It's Jared, he finally shifted

Woah wait! What is going on - how am I hearing you?

You're a wolf Jared, and the new member to the pack.

Wait. what? A wolf?

Yes, Jared. You're the new member to Sam's pack.

Sam Uley?

Sam's deep voice broke through the rampant thoughts from Jared.

So there's no cult?

Mine and Sam's wolffish laughter broke through as Sam's dark black wolf finally emerged and came up beside me and Jared.

No kid. Now follow me, we will explain everything at the house.

Running was the best part of being a wolf. The freeing feeling you get when the wind blows through your fur isn't like anything else you could experience. When we finally arrived at Emily's and taught Jared how to shift back, albeit awkwardly, Sam right in and brought Emily into a kiss. Jared stayed put outside the door, rubbing his shoulder shyly before I clapped him on his shoulder.

"C'mon brother!" I gave him a big smile before leading him up to the porch, "Just don't stare at Emily, it makes Sam upset." I said quietly to him before pushing the door open and guiding him inside.
Emily greeted the boy with a huge smile, but she stayed put in fear of that fresh anger residing in him.

After explaining everything, you would expect the boy to be shocked but not smiling.
"So, when do I get to kill some leeches?" he asked with a big smiling, shoving down his 3rd muffin made by Emily.

Sam and I barked laughs, stuffing our own muffins down as I reached over to ruffle the boys recently buzzed hair.
"Seems like we got an eager brother huh?" I smirked as he slapped at my hand, playfully throwing a punch at him before settling back down.

"Don't worry, you won't be seeing leeches for a while. We have to teach you the ropes first," Sam smirked at his depressed expression while I just laughed, the empty feeling of aloneness finally beginning to fill with the larger our pack grew.

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