Two Years Later

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"What's it say, sweetheart?"

You turned over the test and your eyes started to tear up.

"Pregnant," you whispered. You had a wide smile on your face and tears on your cheeks. You looked over at Henry and couldn't help but smile even wider.

"Brilliant!" He scooped you up and hugged you tight. After pressing a hard kiss to your lips, he dropped to his knees and pushed your shirt up.

"Hello, little one. You have to be extra nice to your mummy, because big sissy is a busy bee. Oh, and try to grow a penis, yeah?"

You laughed at that as he smiled up at you. He pressed a kiss to your still flat stomach, then pulled your shirt down and stood up. His hands slid into your hair as he kissed you deeply. You moaned into the kiss as it grew heated.

Arabella was down for her nap, and would be for the next two hours.

Henry picked you up and carried you to bed.

"Baby, you are so fucking gorgeous. I love you so much."

"I love you too. Now love me, baby daddy."

"Oh no you don't. Don't start with that baby daddy shit again, Mrs. Cavill."

You laughed before pulling him down for a kiss.

Six months after Arabella was born, Henry asked you to marry him. Of course you said yes. You'd never loved anyone the way you love Henry. Six months after that, you had a private ceremony at a small church in Jersey.

Your parents had finally stopped being completely horrible when they realized how much they were missing out on with Arabella. They weren't overly thrilled with flying to Jersey for your wedding, even after you offered to pay their expenses, not that they needed the money. However, they came, as did your sister.

Only one of your friends that you'd gone to Vegas with still talked to you. The other two were pissed that you kept your pregnancy and relationship with Henry a secret, and decided they didn't want to be your friend. That really hurt, since you'd been friends for more than twenty years. But, you respected their decision and didn't contact them again.

After Henry's one year sabbatical, he decided he would only take roles that he was absolutely ecstatic about. Currently, he's playing Geralt of Rivia on The Witcher. His filming schedule is tough, but since Arabella is still young, you were able to fly out to see him more often. He was such a PC gamer nerd that there was no way he could turn down playing The Witcher. You were totally supportive of his decision. It didn't hurt that dirty, long haired Henry was fucking smokin' hot. You told him once that you'd never need another man because he'd played so many that could fulfill every fantasy.

You'd never stray anyway, and you knew he wouldn't either. You had complete trust in your husband. He was 100% devoted to you, and you knew it. Knowing that made it easier when he had kissing and sex scenes. You knew it was just acting, and you'd met his co-stars. Anya had become one of your good friends, and you knew she completely respected your relationship and the boundaries that you had. Sure, she kissed him on screen and they saw each other naked. At the end of the day, he came home to you.

One thing you'd learned was that you could be completely comfortable with your man kissing someone else for a role if you'd met the person. Having them look you in the eye as you introduced yourself as y/n Cavill gave you the peace of mind. It wasn't that you didn't trust Henry. He'd never given you a reason not to. It just allowed you to feel in control of your feelings, and you could separate Geralt from Henry.

When Arabella was born, you decided that you wanted to cut down your in-office hours. Since you'd been at the firm since you first graduated law school and passed the Bar, you had some flexibility. You went in for meetings, but worked from home when you were writing up briefs and contracts. You weren't a criminal attorney, so you never had court or anything like that. Henry was completely supportive of your decision. Arabella went to daycare a couple times a week for socialization, but you both agreed that having you home with her was a good idea.

You didn't want to stop working. You enjoyed your job, and you never wanted Henry to feel like you were freeloading. It took him months to convince you to get a joint checking account. You still rarely used 'his' money. You had never spent above your own means anyway, and you invested whatever you had left at the end of the month into savings accounts for your kids.

Before getting pregnant a second time, you weren't sure you'd have more kids. Both you and Henry wanted three, so you had 3 accounts. But, it was up to nature and Henry's potent sperm to get you pregnant.

You hadn't expected your life to turn out this way, but you were so damn thankful that you got drunk and slept with Henry in Las Vegas. Who would've guessed that a one night stand would turn into marriage and parenthood and the best life you could've ever hoped for. It never mattered to you that Henry was Henry fucking Cavill. He wasn't famous in your house. He was your loving, attentive husband, and the best daddy your babies could ever want. At home, Henry was always just Henry.

The media went pretty crazy for awhile after Henry announced your pregnancy during his interview. Everyone wanted to know who was the lucky lady. You didn't even mind the paparazzi, because you were Henry's girl, and that was what mattered. Not the pictures or the stories. Henry. Always Henry. And then Henry and Arabella. And now, Henry, Arabella and the baby he hopes grows a penis.

Perfect life. No question.

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