fingers snapped, and i heard your voice fading away from my hearing
where did they take you? i'm scared whats going on?

suddenly the sack was ripped off my head
and there she was,
white fluffy hair, a beautiful white gown that flowed so elegantly, a light green velvet robe wrapped perfectly around your shoulders
a small yet noticeable crown rested atop your head

your face looked, hurt? — no.. it was a look i knew instantly, it was the look of pity
you run over to me, caressing my tear stained cheek with your warm hands

"how old are you my boy?" a soothing voice that instantly made me stop crying


a warm smile spreads across your pink lips, the ropes that bonded my wrists together became undone, a gentle hug follows afterwards,
why? why were you hugging me? why were you worried about me? what about him?

"My boy.. how would you like to start over? live with me here, i can tell that you have a big heart and great potential"

i didn't say anything for a bit, still confused at what was going on

"where's gogy?" i managed to say, your face looked dissatisfied with my question
after a while of silence, i got a response

"that boy is a thief, if it wasn't for him you wouldn't be in this mess now would you"

"where is he miss.. please tell— "

"He's in prison right now, i'm going to see what i can do for him later"

"Wait, you're not going to hurt him are you?"

"No of course not my boy.. he's probably just going to be exiled from my kingdom for theft"

"b-but if it wasn't for me.. he wouldn't of had to steal, i was hungry and to scared to do it myself! he doesn't deserve—"

"my boy, he still stole from my kingdom, which is something i have to take seriously, i can't just let him go with no punishment—"

i began to cry again, i'm so sorry george, it's all my fault
you don't deserve this harsh punishment
then it hit me,
my forearm wiped my nose as a small sniffle escapes afterwards

"miss.. i'll—
i'll stay with you.. under one condition"

"and what's that my boy"

"you won't hurt him, you won't give him anything harsh—
and you let me see him"

your face gives a "i don't know" look, but before anyone could say anything, i spoke once more

"If not?.. i refuse your offer.. and You'll have to give me the same punishments as him"

a stunned look, spreading across your face, i don't think you expected me to speak up
yet i did
i wasn't going to let him pay for something that wasn't his fault

"your call.. your maje— i mean, mom"

three days go by in a flash, i wasn't allowed to see you in the cell they held you in
but she arranged a small farewell before the actual exile

running, out of breath, my hands press against the large door
it opens with a loud creak and the evening orange sun rays hit my sight
yet i continued to run towards the group of guards

i couldn't see you, there was too many of them
so i did the only thing i could think of


suddenly everyone stopped, turning to me
panting and out of breathe, i slipped right through the guards
there you were, your small hands held together with a chain and lock
the sight broke my small 12 year old heart

my arms opened in an embrace, my face buried in between your neck and shoulder, you doing the same to me as i felt your tears hitting my shirt
warm tears blurred my eyesight as well but i didn't care
a couple minutes later we let go

"Clay?! You're okay!" your voice sounds relieved and happy

"yeah.. i am" i sniffle back in response

"w-why aren't you— you know.. chained up like me?"

my heart suddenly fell,
i had to be the one to tell you of course,
after explaining everything, that i'm staying and being adopted by the queen
your eyes turn from relief.. to sadness

"wait, you're staying? and i'm being exiled? how does that!—"

"gogy, i promise that i'll come find you again when i'm older, and maybe you could even live with me too!"

your face looked so hurt then, i tried so hard to keep this positive
but deep down.. i knew there was no possibility of us seeing each other again

"you're going to forget me clay.. "

my head shaking no, i began to cry again as i embraced you in another hug,
i could hear your small hics and sobs, only causing me to squeeze you tighter

"i promise i won't forget you gogy— i promise"

"do you promise?"
a small hic and sniffle coming from you, my response was interrupted
the guards suddenly breaking us apart from each other and urging me to stay back as they pushed you forward causing you to walk forward

your head was down, and your walk was slow
i couldn't see your face, but i knew you were hurting

"i promise!"
i yelled as the large doors shut in my face

my small little heart shattered at the thought of never seeing you again
days went by were i was sad and lonely without you
but soon, those days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months
months turned into years

it was just as you said, i had forgotten all about you within the span of a few months
i had broken the one thing that you had asked me to do

and i don't think riches or diamonds or even a million apologies.. could heal that small brunet boy that paid for my mistakes

|| End Of Chapter ||


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