Chapter 9-Cuddles

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-He's godamn hot-
Todo's pov

"WE BOTH LIKE YOU A LOT AND WE WERE WONDERING IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE OUR BOYFRIEND!" Denki shouted standing up and looking at me. I switched my look between Denki and Eijiro not believing what they just told me.

"Wh-what. .?" Was the only thing I could get out. I was really happy but it was just too good to be real. I could feel the blood going to my neck and cheeks.

"We've liked you for about a month now and we wanted you to be our boyfriend," Eijiro said rubbing the back of his neck.

I can't believe it! I'm really happy right now. I never thought they would feel the same. Yes, I've seen them blush around me but I've never given it much thought and they're dating already so I didn't think I stood a chance. But what would happen between us? Polyamorous relationships aren't common. How would it feel to date 2 people at the same time? Would the class think we're weird? All of those thoughts went through my head before being interrupted by Denki shaking me.

". . . to!! . . . Shoto!!" I snapped out of my daze and saw a very worried Eijiro and an almost crying Denki.

"What happened? Why are you so worried?" They shared a glance and Eijiro spoke. I'm guessing it's because if Denki tried to say even a single word he would break down instantly.

"Well, after I talked you stared down at your lap. We thought that you were, I don't know, thinking about what we told you. But seconds turned into 3 minutes then 7 until 15 minutes passed and Denki tried snapping you out of it but you didn't react. I had already gotten my phone out in case you passed out." He finished and I was shocked. I didn't think that much time had passed but I had my answer and I wasn't going to make them any longer.

"Well, the answer to your question I already have" Denki let go of me and crouched down to look at my eyes crouching down. Eijiro just sat in the grass. "Yes, I would love to be your boyfriend," I said with a smile and I'm guessing a pretty dark blush plastered on my face. I was soon tackled in a hug by the two and returned the action. We stayed there for a couple of minutes but they felt like an eternity. I swear time stopped for a solid minute and the only thing I could see and feel was the breezy air, the kisses they were giving me and the warmth irradiating from their bodies.

"Let's go back to the dorms," Eijiro said separating from the warm hug.

. . .

"You're both so warm . . ." I commented as I snuggled closer to them. When we left the park we went directly to the dorms to cuddle up and since I'm love(and touch)-starved I wanted to love. We got inside the building and Denki suggested we went to his dorm room. We went inside and Eijiro went to the closet to grab a red hoodie and some white shorts he had there. I'm not going to ask why. Denki changed into a yellow T-shirt and some orange basketball shorts and he gave me his Pikachu hoodie with ears and black shorts.

I laid my head on top of Eijiro's lap and buried my face in his torso smelling him. Denki had his head in my stomach watching his phone, his legs hanging off the bed and Eijiro was sitting with his head and torso on the headboard with his left hand caressing my hair softly.


"Someone's tired" Eijiro laughed and I just yawned again in response. Denki stood up and lifted me the bed and I yelped from the sudden movement.

"Hey, we're goi-_______-tter Ok?" I couldn't hear half of what he said because I'm sleepy and comfortable in Denki's arms but I still nodded knowing it was probably something to do with sleep. The last thing I saw was the elevator's doors open and close then black.

. . .

I opened my eyes slowly due to the light hitting my face. I assumed it was less than 6 in the morning since when I looked out the window the sky was still dark blue with a lot of stars and the moon shining brightly. I glanced around the unknown room since mine wasn't red or anything like that nor did I have recent photos of Denki and Eijiro alone. I guessed it was Eijiro's since there's a poster of Red Riot on the wall. I looked to my left to see Denki sleeping peacefully with one hand under his head and the other on my waist and Eijiro was in a similar position except his hand wasn't in my waist it was in my torso. I could move but not too much so I shifted a little to grab one of their phones to see the time.

I've been awake for the past 15 godamn minutes. I've tried to go back to sleep countless times but I just end up staring at these 2 undeniably handsome, incredible, and perfectly sculpted faces to my sides! I've been staring at them for the past 12 minutes and-

"Why aren't you asleep?" I hear Denki behind me whisper. His breath in my neck sent shivers down my spine so I turn around to face him.

"I couldn't fall back asleep," I say omitting the reason for obvious reasons. Suddenly he moves forward so we get closer and he puts my face in his chest, slowly caressing my bicolor hair.

"Now sleep" Seconds later I hear him snore slightly and I laugh a little at how quickly he fell asleep. I stayed awake for about 5 more minutes before falling asleep very happy with what's happened today.

Word count-992 (A/N not included)

There's only 1 chapter left. I know this is short but my stories aren't going to be 20+ chapters long unless they're one-shots, incorrect quotes, and a pickup lines book I'm planning.

The next chapter is going to be the types of kisses they 1 month of being in a poly relationship and where they're kissing.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Have a good day/night/afternoon/evening/morning!

Uncommon love (KiriKamiTodo)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora