Chapter 2. Party time

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A/N some of the characters especially Historia are OOC in this part. 

Ymir pulled up and parked her jeep on the side of the road outside the cul-de-sac because the party took up pretty much the whole thing.  There were various tables with chips and all kinds of food everywhere, and large canopies over all of them. Groups of fold up chairs and small collapsible tables were scattered on the pavement. Only about half of them were occupied though as most people were standing in groups talking with each other. There was a group of 5 balloons tied to Marlo and Hitch's mailbox with "Happy Birthday" and "Birthday Boy" written all over them. A banner that read "Happy Birthday!!!" was hanging on the garage door to Hitch's house along with red and dark blue streamers everywhere. A collapsible table next to the garage door held the stack of Marlo's presents. Marlo was hanging out in his little playpen enjoying himself. Ymir had already heard the noise of all the people talking as she pulled into the neighborhood, even though the cul-de-sac was roughly 200 feet (about 61 meters) from the entrance.

"There has to be at least 45 people here, no wonder its taking up the whole ass cul-de-sac." thought Ymir.

The party was filled with mostly friends and family of Marlo and Hitch. The atmosphere was pretty happy. Ymir grabbed the present which she didn't have time to wrap, locked her jeep and started to make her way towards the house. As she walked through the area she spotted Historia throwing a football with Mikasa's younger brother Aren.

"Whats up lil dude" Ymir said approaching Aren and giving him a high five.

"Ur massive ego" replied Aren while smirking at her.

"Ouch that stung but not as much as you getting rejected by your crush." said Ymir.

"Shut the fuck up, I was drunk when I said that. He didn't believe me and didnt wanna agree to it while I wasn't sober." said Eren

"You asked him to fuck you with a dildo, he would have rejected you even if u weren't drunk." replied Ymir


"Dude calm down, Im joking you didn't say that. Also I gave him your number and put in a good word or two for you." said Ymir.

"Why would you scare me like that? But also thanks Ymir, your a good person." Aren said elbowing her in the arm but then hugging her.

"No problem" said Ymir as she walked towards historia.

"Your late" said Historia

"Only by like 5 minutes" said Ymir looking down at her watch, it read 1:05.

"You didn't even wrap his present" said Historia looking at the clear bag of duplo Ymir was holding.

"I didn't have time. Plus he's two, it's not like its gonna ruin the element of surprise" Ymir said sarcastically while doing jazz hands.

"Did you get the yogurt melts?" asked Historia with a curious and hopeful look on her face.

"Yeah, and the banana puffs. They're both in my car" replied Ymir 


"We should probably go find Annie and Mikasa." suggested Ymir

"Chances are their fucking." replied Historia

"Lets go give them the scare of their life then" said Ymir, grabbing Historias arm and tugging her along.

They ran up the driveway, dropped off the present and then went inside. The house was on the smaller side, 2 bedrooms, one bathroom, 1 car garage, a kitchen and living room all together in a 1,500 square foot space. It was nothing too big but it didn't need to be as there were only 2 people living there. 

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