57. The Curse of Love

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"Alice told me you sucked!"

"Really? She told me otherwise."

He raised his palm to my face, and I chuckled. "Stop right there. I don't wanna hear any more than that." He made a disgusted face which cracked me up further.

"Now, what in the world were the two of you thinking, breaking in the house this late at night?" My father asked with his eyebrows raised, and his hands crossed over his chest.

Alright, calm down, we've got this under-

"It was all his plan, sir!" Alex announced, pointing an accusatory finger at me, earning him my sharp glare.

This little pipsqueak is gonna get it from me one of these days!

"Well, care to elaborate?" Dad asked, and I facepalmed.

"How in the world did we get caught anyway?" I was curious about what I missed.

"My barrier stands like a wall around the boundary of the house 24/7. I already knew you guys were here as soon as you stepped on it."

The fuck! What in the world-

I sighed in defeat. I had never factored in that variable. His powers were beyond my comprehension.

"What were you trying to steal anyway? You could have just asked for it."

"I did, and you never told me the truth! Who is Ri-" Before Alex could go about spouting our questions in the wrong order, I grabbed him and shut his mouth with my palm.

"Let me do the talking!" I whispered. Then turning to dad, I continued, "It's time you stop hiding things from us, President."

I stressed on the word 'President' to imply my disappointment with him hiding things from me. I knew I was playing an underhanded emotional trick with him, but if it works, then I have no regrets.

He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. Walking over to the side table, he emptied a pack of instant coffee in a cup and added some hot water from the machine.

"You kids sure know how to give your parents a major headache." He mumbled as he took a sip and then turned around to us. "Do you guys want some?"

"Dad, we are here for-"

"Actually, I would like some," Alex announced as he headed over to the table, making me gape at his retreating back.

I cleared my throat and continued, "We have a few questions. Answer them honestly for us, and we'll leave."

He walked over to the main desk, placed his cup on the top and leaned against the wooden board, his hands holding on to the edges of the table. "Kaidon, there is a time and place for everything. If a player were to reveal all his moves early on, he would lose the game."

What the hell is he talking about?!

"Our lives aren't a fucking game of chess, Dad! We aren't puppets you can move on a board!"

"I am not the one doing the moving, son, and this isn't a two-player game. There are bigger things at play here."

"This doesn't even make any sense!"

Red Princessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن