Chapter 46

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It has now been several months since Darkseid and his army arrived on Earth, and began abducting people, and attacking the planet. Since then, Kara and the other heroes, along with as many humans, and aliens who call Earth their home, who are willing to fight, have been engaging in a sort of guerrilla warfare. After the groups first defeat by Darkseid and his army on the streets of National City, it was very clear to them that they couldn't beat Darkseid and the Parademons in a straight head-to-head fight, even with Kara by their side. So, the group decided that they needed to plan out their attacks, and rescue missions, making them quick and brief, taking out as many Parademons as possible, while saving as many innocent lives too. Of course this task was hard for both Kara and Barry, because there were several occasions where they had to leave, due to their time being up, which meant leaving innocent civilians to their fates. Neither of the two heroes were comfortable with that, they wanted to save everyone, even at the cost of their own lives. But Kara and Barry had very early been sat down by Oliver Luthor-Danvers, Keiran & Spectre Oliver, and told implicitly, that they wouldn't be able to save everyone, so they needed to be okay with leaving people behind, as if either one of them were captured, then all was lost. The group then stuck to their guerrilla warfare tactics, with quick strikes, getting in and out, before the Parademons could send for more support, saving as many innocent people as possible.

After the battle in the streets of National City, it was obvious that Keiran's attention was better spent using her brain, rather than her powers. This isn't because Keiran failed or anything, or that anyone blames her for Lori's injury, but just simply because everyone knew that Keiran is the smartest person among them, almost as smart as her mother Lena, and if they couldn't win this war by their combined forces, they needed to win it with their minds and resources. So instead of fighting, Keiran worked on designing weapons to be used by the non-powered people, to fight and kill the Parademons, while also trying to research as much as possible, to attempt to find out the reason for Darkseid invading the planet. Keiran was also the head of coordinating all of the attacks and rescue efforts. Keiran had successfully set up a network of evacuation centres, where the fighters and civilians could hide in relative safety. These facilities all just happened to be L-Corp facilities which were either already off of L-Corp's books, or Keiran took off the books, just to make sure there wasn't a paper trail for the Parademons and Darksied to follow. The only way that the hostile aliens would find them is if they came across one of the bunkers, by either following someone there, or by a traitor from within. But Keiran made sure that the bunkers were as defendable and unnoticeable as possible, using specialised technology to hide their heat signatures and power consumption, while also outfitting each of the bases with their own limited defences. Obviously if any of the bases were attacked, they most likely wouldn't be able to hold out for long, but the defences may buy the fighters enough time to evacuate as many of the non-combatant civilians as possible.

Despite Keiran focusing a lot of her time on defences, and developing technologies for the battles to come, she also spent a lot of time in their main bunker's (the former DEO desert facility) medical facility. This is because, despite the first fight with the Parademons and Darkseid taking place over 6 months prior, Lori hadn't full recovered. At first Lori slipped into a coma which she remained in for almost 3 months, much to everyone's worry. Keiran of course worked tirelessly to try and find ways to pull her sister out of her coma, to bring her back to the world of the living. Keiran would have of coursed worked this way for just about anyone, as she just wanted to do good, just like both of her mother's, wanting to live up to the examples that they set for her. But the bigger reason that Keiran worked so tirelessly, through many sleepless nights, to try and wake her sister, was because she blamed herself for Lori's injury. Keiran replayed the moment that Lori got injured in her mind many times over, and despite Kara insisting it wasn't her fault, Keiran blamed herself. Keiran thought that if she had been able to fight better, and not get overwhelmed by the Parademons, then Lori would have never turned her back to the Parademons who she was fighting, to call out and try and help her sister, which would have meant that she would have seen the Parademon's attack coming, and wouldn't have been stabbed. So ultimately, Keiran just blamed herself, an aspect to her character that she very much got from her human mother.

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