The Lover

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When we got to the mall in Ashley's Lamborghini I took off the sunglasses and hoodie. I wanted to be noticed, why wouldn't I wanna be noticed, Andy Biersack is my dad!

"What store should we hit first?" He asked as he reached for my pale hand. He held it, he kept it warm.

"What store do you usually go to, to buy your clothes?" I asked him waiting for a response.

"Hot Topic, and Spencer's," He said to me. "You'll like there style."

A large crowd came running towards me and Ashley. It was mostly punk girls and other emo chicks.

"Can I have your autograph Ashley!" A girl asked that had long blonde pigtales.


When we got to Hot Topic the manager called for security for me and Ashley, just so we wouldn't get killed by fans.

"How about these?" He asked me holding some very ripped skinny jeans.

"Sure." I said, they were super cute and I couldn't say no to Ashley, even if they were almost $50.

When we left we had at least ten to fifteen suit cases filled with my stuff. We had at least ten security guards help me and Ashley. It almost didn't fit in the car. I got 8 crop tops, 6 long sleeves, 6 band tees, mostly bvb, omam, and botdf. And that was my shirt suitcase. Ten pairs of leggings, 8 pairs of ripped skinny jeans, the 2 pairs of regular skinny jeans, 12 bvb bracelets, 8 pairs of earrings, 5 pairs of Converse, 8 pairs of wedges and 7 pairs of high knee socks. He spent atleast $1000 on clothes. Then he spent $1500 on an iPhone 6 plus and the album, Candyland, by Blood On The Dance Floor, because he knew it was my second favorite song, next to In The End.

"What do you think andy will say about this?"

"He'll probably say, 'Give me back my batman shirt, now."

When we got back to the house he said he would help me but he didn't know where my room was, so Andy showed us. It was a dark purple room with black curtains, a black vanity, own bathroom and a beautiful walk in closet.

He brought up the last suitcase and sat it in next to my bed.

"That was the last one." He said as I stood up, he walked over to me. "You look beautiful today." He leaned in to kiss me but I pulled away.

"I'm sorry." he said and walked away. Did I upset him that much?

"Hey, is he upset?" Andy asked me. I couldn't tell him he tried to kiss me.

"Oh, um, no." I said trying to lie. " He told me he was tired and was going home."

"Oh, ok then. Would you like to meet the neighbors? They have a teenage son your age, same type of guy to."

"Oh, sure I guess. I'm kinda shy though."

"It's ok, there son is very nice. Like you. He told me he wanted someone like him in our neighborhood, so I also wanted a daughter. So I wanted you, if you become best friends he can come in Warped Tour with us. Ok?"

"Okay..." I trailed off.

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