We are not Grounders

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"Can I bring Mr. Pandy?" Lola asks, gesturing for the makeshift stuffed toy she has that looks somewhat like a panda bear.

"Yeah, of course." I reply. "But not Mr. Bear."

She pouts as she looks at the giant bear Monty made her. The thing is about my size, so we could never pull it along.

Then Clarke enters the cave. "Storm. Time to go."

And so we leave. Only before I have the chance to leave, someone pulls my hand.


Before I get to finish, lips connect with mine. Octavia's lips. And suddenly I forget about everything. About the danger, about how worried I am for the people I care about and how I haven't gotten lunch today. I simply return the kiss.

Until Octavia pulls away and rests her forhead against mine. "In case we don't make it, I need you to know-"

I cut her off there. "We will make it."

"I love you."

My eyes widen at that. The three words somehow robbing me completely of my ability to think coherently. Me? How on earth can she love me? Okay, my family loves me, but that's because they're my family.

But she isn't.

I'm not someone you love... I'm a damaged girl with anger issues... How?


Octavia's voice brings me back to reality. And reality may not make sense, neither do her feelings, but mine do. She's perfect in every way. How on earth could I not love her?

"I love you too."

And she smiles. And everything is all right again. Even though it isn't. Because after staring at each other for a while with dorky grins on our face, Lola pulls on our sleeves. "Storm, Octavia, everybody is leaving."


With most of us armed, we cautiously make our way out of the camp. Me and Octavia are walking in front of the line, while Lola is safer with Monty in the middle.

"You know the first thing I'm gonna do when I get to the beach?" Miller asks behind us.

"No." Jasper replies. "What?"

"I'm gonna go surfing."

I roll my eyes. "Just shut up and keep your eyes open."

But then another guy starts talking. "No more woods. A view of the ocean. No more damn trees. Just pale, blue water."

At that Octavia stops us by raising her hand. I immedietly become alert, taking an arrow and stringing the bow.

That's when I hear it: the trees. Someone's in the trees.

A thought I barely get to process when an ax flies towards my face. I quickly duck it, forgetting there are people behind me. And so the boy behind me gets his face split in two by an ax.

Something that causes Jasper to scream: "Grounders!"

And me: "Retreat!"

So everyone runs back to camp, me taking the dead body of the boy with me.


Once inside the camp I drop the body immedietly in favor of finding Lola. And I do find her. She's in the cave, hiding behind Mr. Bear.

"Lola, honey, are you okay?"

Her face appears from behind the giant stuffed toy. "Are we gonna die?"

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