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Tony: y/n you have to come back come on you can do this. I love you a lot I will kill myself if your not here with me. Tony grabbed your hand and kissed it. Your heart then starts beeping again very fast. Tony called a doctor. Doctor: this is amazing it's very rare for someone to come back to life Tony: is she ok Doctor: she is breathing good so yeah she is good. Tony sighed of relief. One of the doctors went to your family. Doctor: good news Your dad: yes Doctor: your daughter is back with us. Your dad cried of happiness. Aunt: thank you a lot for saving her Doctor: no problem Tony: is she going to wake up soon? Doctor: Idk she might stay here for the night but I think by tomorrow she will be awake Tony: thank you a lot doctor Doctor: no problem. Your mom came in. Your mom: she is breathing Tony: yes ma'am Your mom: thanks a lot for making her happy Tony: of course Your mom: you should go home and take a shower Tony: no I'm good Your mom: ok I'm gonna go home please take care of her Tony: yes. Your mom and dad left to take a shower. Tony grabbed your hand and went to sleep next to you since it was already 1 am. ( your dreams ) I was walking on a beach then I hear someone. You: is someone there? Unknown: you have to wake up You: why? Unknown: it will make your family nothing if you leave look at Tony he loves you ( end of dream ) you slowly open your eyes.

Your pov

I woke up and I was in a hospital next to Tony. I couldn't speak I felt numb. I then pressed Tonys hand and moved my head. Tony Quickly woke up Tony: y/n your awake!! You smiled. Tony kissed you with joy in his eyes.

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