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You're pov

I woke up and it was a Saturday I did my morning routine and went to the kitchen. Aunt: good morning sweetie. You: good morning Aunt: someone left a note at the door. You: did you open it? Aunt: no it's for you You: um ok. You went to the door and grabbed the note. You went into your room and locked it. Then you opened the note and it was from Tony ( what the note said) hey y/n can you please come to the park today? You: Tia! Aunt: yes sweetie You: can I borrow your car Aunt: sure you grabbed the keys and went to the park. You got there and saw Tony sitting on a bench. You went and sat next to him Tony: hi You: hey something wrong? Tony: u-um I got a girlfriend You: w-what? Tony: I know and I thought of it y/n but you said you have a boyfriend and there is no chance for me. You: I - I was j Tony: y/n I'm sorry I lied to you I came here to visit my girlfriend You: o-oh what's her name Tony: Sarah You: oh well I don't have a boyfriend Tony: I thoughts you did? You: no I lied

Falling For My Kidnapper - Tony LopezOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora