Chapter 20- Force

Start from the beginning

I walk out of the room leaving everybody stunned. I walk down to the lab and find everything cleared and serum in the middle of the table. I take some of my blood and set it under a microscope, then I add the serum.

I let out a screech when a flame explodes from it combining, melting the microscope. Everyone runs into the room, and I begin Bruce see the serum and pulls out a needle. He inserts it into serum that just made my blood catch flame. He comes at me with the needle.

“It’s just a needle.” He says.

“It’s the serum.”

“There is nothing wrong with the serum.”

“You used to be afraid of needles.” Bucky says and I send him a glare.

“Not anymore. I went through countless surgeries. I’m no longer afraid, but if you come at me, I won’t be afraid to unleash your hulk.” I say and everyone steps back and Bruce lunges at me thinking it’ll help.

I glance at his eyes and know something isn’t right. Bruce would never do that. Everyone gets into a fighting stance and I’m surrounded. I glance at all of them through tears, their eyes crystal blue.

“I don’t want to fight you.” I say to them and they all charge. I slide between Tony’s legs, kicking him down. I pull out a gun from a desk near me and back away from them. “The serum will burn me alive.” I say to them. I see their eyes turn back to the normal colors and then back to crystal blue.

“Well then it’s a good thing I want you dead.” I turn to the sneaky voice of Loki.

“Why then so called Loki of Asgard. No, Loki of Jotunheim. Wait, you’re not that either.” I see his anger boiling. “You’re adopted and you won’t claim Laufey is your father. So you’re what? Loki of Nothing?” I see his image flicker in anger and I know it’s a clone. “Drop it, Loki of Nothing.” I say to him and turn to look around.

I know Loki can clone travel so I have to watch my back. I look around carefully, I watch his clone advance and I know he travels. It’s actually him. I raise my hand and he grabs it, turning to his Jotun blue form. I smirk at him and he becomes confused.

I think of the fire in my arm and heat, my hand lights up and he screeches, backing up. I send out a kick to the face and I see Banner walking towards me. I round house kick the serum out of his hands before turning back to Loki.

“I didn’t formally introduce myself, did I?” I don’t wait for him to answer. “Emily Andrews, so called ‘another man of iron’ by Loki of nothing himself. Here why don’t we introduce my suit to you?” I say to him. I turn and whisper into my ear piece.

“Alice, take all my pentagon suits to my other workshop. Keep all the other suits that are there, there. Bring armored ball to me.” I say to him and I look down at him. Suddenly my back becomes stiff.


“Chloe joined the party!” I say with a chuckle. She walks to me sneering.

“I’m not the one captured so I would stop talking.” She sneers and I laugh. Her hand tightens, making me struggle to breath. She moves her hand, lifting me into the air.

“Suits.” Her hand tightens and I smirk. “Explode.” Alice understand that armored ball doesn’t explode. It wraps around me, while the Avengers begin to panic. I grab the suits, inside my suit and toss them to the ground. I gather the Avengers and blow a hole in the ceiling. I turn to Loki and his daughter.

“Till me meet again.” I say and fly out with the other suits following me.

“Alice, inject a calming and sleep serum into the Avengers. Make it able to kick Loki out.” I say to her. I notice them slump in the suits. “I need a letter written, Alice.” I say to her and begin writing a not to Bucky.

Bucky P.O.V

The last thing I remember is being stunned, after Emily made us breakfast and Loki and his daughter appearing before us all, before it all went blue. Not black, but blue. Then it became a hazy dream, that I don’t know if it was true or not.

We ran into the lab where Emily was and surrounded her so Bruce could put the serum in her. She backed away and was in tears. She slides between Tony’s legs and kicks him down. She runs to a desk, pulling out a gun and pointing it at us.

Loki appears and she tempts him, he grabs her hand and she lights hers up, making him screech and jump back in pain. She kicks him and later round house kicks a serum from Bruce’s hands, luckily he didn’t turn to Hulk mode.

Suddenly she gets stiff and Loki’s daughter steps back. Emily tells her suits to explode and we Avengers run around like chickens with their heads cut off. She gets out suits that must not explode and lifts us into the air, after saying something to Loki and his daughter. Her suit injects something into us and then it went Black.

I wake up, expecting to be in Emily’s bed, but I’m not. I roll over and hear the crinkle of paper. I look at it curiously and I pick it up to read it. The first thing I notice is that it’s Emily’s hand writing. I begin to read.

Dear Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes,

Remember you’re that man. Not The Winter Soldier.

I’m sorry I’m leaving you a note, but I seem to drag you and The Avengers, which you are one, into trouble. Loki is after me now and I have to keep you guys safe. You’re all at an S.H.I.E.L.D base in Nebraska. Fury has been notified and I bet you’ll be shipped back to New York for some missions. You might not know what happened, Loki attacked Home Base. My suits exploded, blowing up the base. I am most currently finding a way to find and fight Loki. I can’t put you all in danger.

Remember that I’ll always love you. If you try to find me it won’t be as easy as you found me last time and that should mean something. James, remember that you’re special. If you look at every S.H.I.E.L.D base your name is on the wall of valor. You are my handsome, sweet, obnoxious flirt and you’ll always be in my heart.

                                                Your Doll,


 I wipe tears from my eyes. She left me, she left me. That’s all I can think. I run from the room and around the halls, to find the gym. I find the punching bag and go straight there, without wrapping my hands. I pound my fist into it over and over again repeating in my mind.

She left me.

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