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"" I stutter,looking at Tommy,he hugs me but I don't feel safe in his arms "I'm going to go check on Karl,Alex and Fundy" Tommy says "okay" I say,he walks up the stairs and I look down at my hands,I see blood on them,I shake my head and close my eyes,when I open then the blood was gone "strange" I think to myself
Then something catches my eye,I quickly make eye contact with a cat with tan,vanilla looking fur,a strawberry colored heart on its chest and a strawberry colored dot on its eye with the strawberry color on the tip of its tail and has pretty brown eyes and in its mouth,it's holding a kitten by the scruff that looks like it has brown fur fading into cake vanilla with one blue eye and one brown eye,it's snout is strawberry pink and tip of its ears and it's feet as well "hello?" I say, the cat looks at me and climbs onto the counter I was sitting at,sits the kitten down and jumps off the counter

It turns into a man with red hair,a little bit pink with a hoodie that looked like red velvet cake with white frosting and red sprinkles,brown eyes and shorts "hi!" He says "who are you might I ask" "I'm Toby" I say "and you?" "I'm VelvetIsCake" he says "but you can call me Velvet" Velvet shakes my hand then let's go "why are you here" I ask,not trying to sound rude "I got a sense you have somebody that I haven't seen in years" He says,smiling

"Ant?" I guess "how do you know his name" "He's been my partner for a few months now" I say "Oh!" He says "can I see him?" He asks "Sure" I say,standing up "follow me" Velvet turns into his cat form,picks up the kitten and walks with me,as we are walking to the room Ant is in,I was thinking if Tommy could be a traitor,we get to the room and Ant is in his cat form,snuggled next to Zak "who is that?" Velvet says,turning into his human-ish cat form "it's my friend Zak" I say "Without you,he's been treating every small living thing like his child,like my friend Karl"

"Oh" Velvet says,he turns into his car form,grabbing the kitten and jumping onto the bed with Ant,he sets the kitten down in between them and nudges Ant,Ant turns is head to see Velvet,they start cuddling with each other "aww" I whisper,I close the door and leave them alone,I walk to my room and see Tommy looking out the window with his hands in front of him and Karl,Fundy and Alex are nowhere

"Tommy?" I say,I tap on his shoulder but no reaction,I tap on it again then turn him,I realize it was a fake,I hear the door lock,I turn around and see Tommy standing completely still with a smile and his hands behind his back "I have a present" Tommy says "I know how you really love masks,especially the animal ones" "yeah" I say,Tommy gets closer "so I made this" Tommy takes out a mask made out of blood, string, skin and fur "w..what is this?" I say,stepping back,Tommy looks up at me and I see one of his eyes are pitch black

"Don't you like it?" Tommy says,walking towards me slowly "uh" I start getting scared and backing out until I felt something and I fall out the window, as I look up I see Tommy looking out the window, he looks at me, tilts his head and smiles,then I black out. I slowly wake up and see Techno standing next to me, reading something. Techno looks at me "you're awake" Techno says ,looking up from his book. I start panicking, looking around the room,vigorously ,I'm in a hospital bed with a blanket over my legs. "Calm down" Techno says "Tommy called me and said you where talking with tommy and jumping on the bed and then you accidentally fell out the window" I look over Techno and see Tommy sitting near Fundy with a bandage over half of his face

I start screaming and crying and hiding under the blanket ,seeing Tommy terrified me "woah ,woah" Techno says ,sitting down in a chair and petting my head "What's the matter?" I peek my head from over the blanket ,tears fill my eyes and drip down my face ,I look over and make quick eye contact with Tommy ,he smiles , I look at Fundy and he's sitting with his tail wrapped around himself ,shaking a bit "why is Tommy here?" I ask ,growling a bit "he wanted to check on you as well" Techno says "I don't want him here" I say "Toby?!" Techno says "you guys are best friends ,why don't you want him here?"

I get flashbacks of the dream I had "doesn't care" I think to myself  "you don't care about me?!" I yell "you want me to die ,perish ,disappear!" "Never!" Techno says ,taking his hand off of my head "I HATE EVERYTHING,EVERYONE.I WANT TO DIE ALREADY!" I yell "I NEVER DIE ,ACCIDENT AFTER ACCIDENT,I NEVER DIE!" as I was yelling ,Techno gabbed something into my arm "sorry" Techno says ,I starts getting dizzy then falling asleep

I wake up at home and look to see Tommy sleeping ,Fundy ,Alex And Karl are asleep on the floor but all hurt with bits of fur and skin taken off of them. I look over and see a small brown box on the nightstand ,I pick it up out of curiosity ,I open it and see needles with glowing blue liquid inside it "what are these?" I think to myself,as I try to figure out what these are "why are you awake?" Tommy says. I look behind me,looking at Tommy's bed. Tears fill my eyes ,one of Tommy's eyes is still black "why" I whisper "why what ,ram boy?" Tommy says in his sassy voice "why did you hurt them" I say ,sitting up a bit "why did you lie ,why did you hurt me?" "Because ,Toby" Tommy says ,smiling "nobody will believe you ,they'll only believe me." "And those needles" Tommy says "those are the needles that Techno gabbed you with, making you dizzy and fall asleep" "you're not my brother ,you're not my friend ,you're a monster" I say with a stiff face "I'm just like you" Tommy says.

I had enough, I grab a pocket knife from my nightstand and try and stab myself with it but then get stopped ,I turn and see Niki standing there holding my hands ,she takes the knife away and hugs me ,my eyes start filling up with tears. I give into the hug and start crying ,Tommy rolls his eyes "don't kill yourself" Niki says "you can trust me" as she says that,I remember the dream I had "trust nobody but her" I say to myself "how about I sing you a song" she asks ,I nod my head "he's to old for that" Tommy says "quiet" Niki says ,she sits down on my bed and starts singing "let us adore you" by Steven Universe and petting my head ,my eyes start getting heavy and I fall asleep but I still questioned "why is Tommy acting this way"

Tubbo...? (Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz