Happy Day's

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I open my eyes enough to see Tommy sitting there,crying. I look down and see a massive bullet Hole in my chest 

then I hear Tommy say "Toby?" He says with tears in his deep blue eyes "Please wake up,I can't live in this world without you!!"

Tommy's Pov

this is the first time i've cried in a long time,I decide to skip school today,knowing Phil is going to be mad

"everything is going to be okay,Tommy" I thought to myself as I picked up Toby and started walking home

"Just stay calm" I say as I open the door "P-P-Phil" I stutter as I walk in the door "why aren't you in school?" Phil says,sitting at the table on his phone "School started an hour ago"

"there's a bigger problem" I say,sniffling "Is it so bad your crying?" Techno says "You've haven't cried in a while" "L-l-look" I say to Phil holding out my arms. The second he looked up,his eyes went blank and started looking all over me and Toby "What happened ?!?!" Phil says,looking at Toby's unconscious body and blood all over my hands and shirt 

"something" I say,looking down at Toby, I thought I saw his eyes but they where white "We need to go to the hospital!" Phil says picking up Toby out of my arms and running to the door

"C'MON TECHNO,GET YOUR SHOES ON!" Phil yells "got it" Techno says,getting up from the couch.

we get into Phil's car and run to the school to pick up Wilbur "Hi" Phil says to the person at the desk "I came here to pick up Wilbur Minecraft" "in room 223?" The lady says "Yes and please get him here quick,there is a massive problem"

The lady goes to the speaker "Wilbur Minecraft,Please report to the front desk". I see Will but don't wanna look at him, "He might think I shot Toby" I thought "No No No" 

"C'mon Will" Phil says "We have to go now!"  Phil and Wilbur run out the building and into the car

"Toby?" Will says looking at Toby in my arms "what happened?" "something" I replied looking the other direction,away from Phil

We  arrive at the hospital,we run inside,with Toby in my hands. "emergency!" Phil says "oh!" The woman at the counter says "do you know what happened,sir" "no but we came here as fast as we could"

the woman took us to a room and put Toby down on a bed as me,Wilbur,Phil,and Techno sat in chairs beside the bed

Toby's Pov

I open my eyes,looking down into red leather chairs that 4 other people where sitting "Toby?" says one of the boys with blonde hair and blue eyes his eyes fill up with tears .

"w-w-what?" I say,confused,the boy starts to cry as I sit up from my bed "P-P-Phil?" I say,looking at one of the men in the leather chairs "Toby" he says,looking at me "w-w-where am I?" I say,looking at my hand witch is shaking ever so slightly "you got shot,I guess" Phil says,walking over to me

"who is he?" I ask,looking over Phil's shoulder over to the boy crying "your brother" Phil says as I look back at him "oh" I say as the doctor walks in " he seems to have a little bit of brain damage" the doctor says "when he got shot,his head hit the ground a little to hard causing him to hit one of his main lobes,making him loose memory" "you might need to help him walk and do normal things again before he can go back to school and such" "thank you" Phil says as he picks me up off of the bed

"have a good day" the doctor says as Phil,Techno,will and the boy head to this strange thing on wheels "what is this?" I ask Phil "This is what we call a car,Toby" "Oh" I say as he puts me down into a leather seat inside of this car

I was sat in between will and the strange boy "who could he be?" I think to myself

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