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I wake up in a white room with a small black door,I start running to the door but if feels like the more I run,the longer the hallway gets,then I start falling and I curl up and cover myself in my wings but then I feel grass,I uncover my wings and see Tommy, Phil, Techno, Wilbur, Schlatt, Ranboo, Puffy, Fundy, Ghostbur, Ant, Sam, Niki, Alex, and Karl sitting on a picnic blanket, Laughing ,As I am walking to them, an invisible wall blocks me

A black bar goes across Phil's eyes saying "dead" another one goes over Techno and Wilbur's eyes saying "Doesn't care" another one goes over Schlatt, Puffy and Ranboo's eyes saying "fake" . Another one goes over Ghostbur,Tommy and Ant's eyes saying "traitors" then two more go over Alex, Fundy and Karl's eyes saying "Dying" Then My eyes lock with Niki, she kneels down and holds my face and says "nobody is safe, you cannot trust anybody".

I quickly wake up in a cold sweat,I look around "night time already?" I think to myself,I get up and go downstairs. Phil's body is gone but there's a coffin "maybe he is in there" I think. I see something shining from behind a shelf, my curiosity gets the best of me,I walk over and move the shelf and there is a small Caucasian boy with dark brown hair,a blue hoodie,a diamond demon tail and diamond horns was sitting there with something in his hands

"hello?" I say,waving. the boy jumps "don't worry" I say,smiling "I'm peaceful" I hold my hand out and he climbs onto it, he is the size of one piece of bread,his legs hand from my hand "whats your name?" I ask, "Skeppy!" he says "but you can call me Zak" "that's a nice name" I say as I walk over to the counter and sit him down on it, I walk over to the cabinet and grab a piece of bread,cut it in half and handed it to him "thank you!" He says as I sit back down

"so why'd you come here" I ask "haven't you seen the weather lately?" he says,I go over to the window "oh ,Its snowing" I say "it just randomly came" he says,eating tiny bits of the bread "it was way to cold so I went out of my dirt hole for the first time in a few days,and went to go find houses to camp in,problem was so many people had their door locked,didn't like me, or didn't have holes i could crawl through, but this house had a hole that i could fit through so I camped here for 2 days"

"you've been here for 2 days?!" I say,surprised "yea,this house is pretty nice" Zak says,looking around "i'm glad you like it" I say,sitting back down "do you mind if I,ya know stay here?" he asks,holding the piece of bread in his hand "I don't think anyone would mind" I say,smiling "there is more people in this house?" Zak says in a sharped scared voice "yea?" I say "is something wrong" "no,I just haven't seen anyone in this house but you" he says

"well everyone in this house is peaceful" I say "not hostile?" He asks "nope" I reply "I'm going to go back to bed" I say "by the way" I ask before I go upstairs "what was the thing in your hand?" "its a diamond" he says,he holds out a small diamond in his hands "its my last thing from my mom,before she was killed" he says "oh" I say "can I sleep in your bed or at least near it?" he asks, "I don't see why not" I say,I hold out my hands and he climbs into them and I take him upstairs and put him on my bed "goodnight" I say to Zak "good night" he says as he curls up with his diamond. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep

I wake up to Tommy holding Zak in his hands,looking at him in confusion "Tommy?" I say, Tommy turns his head "who is this?" Tommy says,pointing to Zak in his hands "its my new friend" I say "Zak!" Tommy makes eye contact with Zak "Zak?" Tommy says "how is it spelled?" "I never asked" I say "Zak,how do you spell your name?" "z-a-k" He says "interesting" Tommy says

I see from the corner of my eye Ant waking up,as he is in his cat form. He see's Zak and jumps up. He grabs Zak by his hoodie and runs "hey!!" Tommy says as Ant rounds the corner,as me and Tommy turn the corner and spot Ants tail going into Wilbur's room "Ant!!" I yell,he turns around and peeks out the door with Zak in his mouth,looking confused. Ant growls and turns back into the room,closing the door with his tail "why does Ant do this?" Tommy asks "do what?" I ask, looking at Tommy "take things by the collar or neck and talk it away" Tommy says,looking me in the eyes

"I have no idea" I say "the first time he was treating Karl like a-" I stop mid sentence and start looking rapidly around me "is something bothering you?" Tommy asks. I grab Tommy's shoulders and look him dead in the eyes "Do you know where Ant came from?" I ask with a stiff face "I thought I saw him with another cat" Tommy says "Before or after Bad came" I ask "I think before" Tommy says "but I didn't know if it was him or another cat" "That was him" I say "there is no other brown and tan cat with such blue eyes"

"so what?" Tommy says,removing my hands from his shoulder "it just him with another cat,what could that even mean?" "was there 3?" I ask "why do you need to know this?!" Tommy yells "Zak could be getting killed and we don't know" "JUST FUCKING TELL ME TOMMY" I yell, my eyes go pitch black with a dark red dot in the middle of them "YOU NEED TO STOP BEING SO FUCKING SELFISH ALL THE TIME,TOMMY!" Blood tears start flowing down my face and I grip hard onto his shirt

I start laughing as more blood drips out of my cold black eyes "I AM TRYING SO FUCKING HARD TO STOP THIS NIGHTMARE" I roll my head then look straight into his eyes,I can smell the fear from him "BUT-HAHA-THAT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN,AT LEAST WITH YOU!" Tommy's pupils  go small "i.i-" "I- WHAT?" I laugh "I'm sorry" he says,he hugs me tight, my eyes turn back to normal and I give in to the hug,cry normal tears of water "i'm so sorry" I say,feeling very guilty

"Yea there was two other cats" Tommy says "okay" I say "because I have a theory on why he does this" Tommy looks at me "What is that theory?" He asks,letting go of the hug "What if he had children,or a family?" I say,Tommy looked confused but understanding "what if they where taken away,or killed" I say "we should ask him" Tommy says,we walk to Wilbur's room,where Zak and Ant were,Ant was curled up on the bed with Zak in between his head and his leg with his tail wrapped around him

"Psst,Ant" Tommy says,Ant slowly picks his head up and looks at Tommy "can we talk to you?" Ant picks up Zak by his hoodie,trying not to wake him up,And places him on a pillow and pulls the covers over him. Ant jumps off the bed,we sit down at the table and Ant sits on the table "why do you take things by its scruff,and act like it's a child" Tommy asks,Ant looks at both of us,then looks down. he jumps off the table and turns into his human-ish cat form

Ant's POV

I stand up and look at both of them,tears filling my eyes.I wipe them off but they are still there "I'll explain" I say,I look down at my feet
I used to have a boyfriend named Velvet,that's what I called him,and we had a child named VelvetFrost. He was very nice until someone figured out we could shape-shift into human like cats,so they told the sir's or the Dream Team they want And they hunted us down for days on end,at one point I told them needed to spit up because they can only catch one,I looked at him as tears filled up his eyes "we can't" Velvet said "we have to" I said,he hugged me then took VelvetFrost by the scruff and flew away,and I flew the other direction,making the Dream team lost but not for long"

Tears drip onto my fur as I look at my hands "I'm going back to Zak" I say,I turn into my cat form and run back up to the room

Toby's POV

I look at Tommy and he looks back at me "I feel terrible for asking that question" Tommy says "At least we know the truth" I say to Tommy,Tommy looks at me "what were you mumbling about last night?"
Tommy asks "what do you mean?" I say,tilting my head a bit "You were saying stuff like "no" or "it's not true" and "what do you mean nobody is safe"I look at Tommy "it was a nightmare" I say,Tommy looks back at me "do you remember what it was about?" I explain it all to Tommy,he looks terrified.

He looks down at his hands "I..I'm not a traitor, I?" Tommy asks, I look at him as tears start dripping down into his hands "is he?" I think to myself

Tubbo...? (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now