Chapter 4: The Confrontation

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"No, Chase deserved to know," I tell him as stern as I can manage.

"Do you know what he thinks?" Again, if there was nothing to worry about, they should've talked by now. Chase should've reached out to see what he was thinking – but yet he didn't as he has doubts. I know he shared those doubts, but if you truly love someone, you'll wipe them away until you hear the truth in their own words. Why hadn't he called or texted Ryan? Maybe I needed to reach out to him after all....

"I do, but I know if it's not true and everything is misheard, you can clear it up because he trusts you," or at least I believed so originally. I am really beginning to question a lot of things here. "Considering you're here, though, I have my doubts." I should've kept my mouth shut, but I'm sorry – you barge into my house after giving me a headache, you're going to get everything I have to offer.

"Maybe something did happen." It'd certainly explain every bit of Ryan's behavior – and now I seriously wanted to slap him not once, but twice, maybe three times, followed by calling Chase and offering every comfort that I could. How could he even do something like that?

"He deserves honesty. You need to talk to him and explain. Maybe it's worth saving, maybe not, but he deserves to you out so he knows why." For the record, I wouldn't take his ass back – I'd just slap him silly. However, I know if you love someone, you need to hear it from that person before you can let them go – and Chase needed to hear the truth from Ryan. I had ensure that happened, and the only way is to ensure false confidence.

"But if nothing happened...." Is he seriously playing this game right now? Why couldn't he just be honest and save us all the pain, confusion, and worry? He'd already done enough by giving me this damn headache.

"Ryan, he deserves to know why you had the conversation regardless so he can fully see where you stand." Don't ask why I am playing right into his cards or going along with it because my heart and brain are both telling me this is wrong to just allow this guy to get away with everything. The only saving grace is you know the truth always comes out no matter what so I am going to hold onto that fact.

"There wouldn't been ac conversation if you kept your mouth shu-"

"He deserves to know. If there's nothing happening and it's just a curious thought, then this will be over as soon as you talk – the end. Why are you so worried?" There was only one answer – actually two possible thoughts. Ryan has already done something was the obvious one, or the other factor was there was already trust issues there and Chase was unsure of him. If that's the case, he didn't deserve him as Chase is a guy that deserves someone is fully committed to him no matter what without a shadow of a doubt.

"I'm not...." Then why were you banging at my door? Why are you so mad I said something? "Wait that's a lie," as I figured. Would it be too much to ask for a confession? "Look, I just don't want o lose him.."

"Be honest. You know him well enough to know he'll be fair." Actually, Chase is one of those who will probably be too fair as he always is cool as a cucumber.

"But what if?" I still feel something happened, though, or this conversation would've been over before it started – or over already at least. Where's the Tylenol for when he leaves?

"What if what?"

"What if he isn't?"

"It's his decision, not mine," and I just want what's best for him and what he feels most comfortable with at the end of the day. "I'm sure he'll have his reasons and frankly, depending on what happened, I don't blame him. All I know is what I think did indeed happen, pretty certain based on conversation and he also tol-"

"Which is?" I might as well lay all my cards out on the table. After all, any doubt I had is practically erased and I will do whatever it takes to protect him.

"She was at your house." That was why I thought about saying something – because of connecting the dots, just in case, to again do whatever it takes to take care of him. Again, no regrets.

"All about appearance and talking things over. She was worried when she noticed you were listening. She was worried you would tell the world." Oh of course, spin it back on me and try to place guilt and blame on my shoulders. Where's the fairness in that? If you're laying that gauntlet, then there's something he needs to know beyond anything.

"I wouldn't do anything to hurt, Chase. I also hope she understands why I told him." I actually think she'd understand more so than Ryan would right now – because then maybe she'd get the freedom to have him to herself. After all, as Chase said, Isabelle has always had eyes on Ryan.

"More than me, I suppose.... What were you saying before?" I'm actually surprised he wants me to fully repeat that and put everything on the table. Perhaps it's a ploy – create understanding in hopes that I don't share my suspicions with anybody. Truth be told, I probably won't anyway because of what I said before – the only way Chase truly believes and lets go is if it comes from Ryan himself.

"All I know is what I'm pretty sure did happen, I hope he doesn't just take you back out of obligation, not wanting to feel pain or vulnerability, not wanting to lose you. I hope he doesn't take you back for the reasons he stuck around with Kyl-"

"How do you know about Kylie?" Okay, let me rephrase this – who could in the garage didn't know about Kylie?

Everybody saw them together at various races and anybody who is at least friends with Chase and has some understanding of the man knew something else was going on there beneath the surface. I swear I warned him about her before I believe the second time he took her back – just to take her back a third time after that, too.

That's when my feelings really started to show for him, with the caring side coming out in wanting to be there to support him, help him, do what was right for him. I could see that pain in his eyes and damn, it hurt more than I could imagine.

"We could all see it, Ryan," I start, as trust me, that factored into my decision whether or not to say anything. If anything, it really helped push me over that last hump in not wanting to see him in pain again should everything be happening as suspected. "That's just his nature, hence my worries and nerves right now about the future. I don't want him to repeat it. I also want you to know and realize that if what happened did indeed happen, you realize how much you hurt him. It goes beyond what you think, too, as he would've done anything for you and loved you more than words could explain. I could see that when I told him. I hope you know that pain..."

"Thanks for your input," he quickly responds, trying to scuff it off. However, I hope it actually sinks in and he truly thinks about considering everything. I hope it plays into his factor in what to do moving forward because whether or not he was an ass in this instance, I do actually believe he has a heart somewhere.

"Ryan, did what I think actually happen?" I couldn't help but try for a confession once again.

"You said it yourself – you don't know if I'm telling you a tale tale, or the truth." I watch him turn on his heels as a sigh escapes my lips.

He didn't need to say anything because that right there told me more than anything else could. I just hope when the ceiling falls out, Chase allows someone to catch him – hopefully me. 

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