Chapter 2

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Words: 1066

3rd Person's Pov

Jungkook and Hobi parted ways as Jungkook is in his second year taking an IT coursed because his a lazy person, he likes to work with no actual work. Like Becoming an IT, who sits infront of a computer the whole day and work infront of the screen. 

Hobi on the other hand hum a song happily, he is always a cheerful guy anyway no wonder he and Jungkook are friends. Well, Jungkook used to be cheerful but when Jungkook's parents die in a terrible accident Jungkook rarely smile after that. He always have a lazy expression, and he would smile and laugh from time to time with Hobi since his the only person that Jungkook spend time with saying that He doesn't like having more friends since it will be just troublesome. 

Anyway,  Hobi went to a music class and sat down on the chair as he waited for the teacher to come. But he look down and saw that his crush just walk inside while talking to a girl and they look so close chuckling and laughing together. Hobi pouted while looking at them, and worst this two sat down infront of him and they are still talking about random stuff and the girl is obviously flirting with an innocent Yoongi who's oblivious. 

The bell ring and Hobi can't concentrate. His eyes were on the two infront of him and he could see that the girl is trying to get close as possible to Yoongi who is still oblivious. Hobi wanted to murder the bitch and maybe put her in a coffin with many hollow blocks and stones and throw that coffin to a lake or something so that it will sink in the bottom and that bitch won't resurfaced again to flirt with his crush. 

But he realize that he was a coward really. Because even if he do that, he still doesn't have a guts to talk to his Crush. So disposing this bitch is useless. He sigh and look down sadly. He remember the first time he talk to Yoongi and the first time he fell in love. 



It was the around of his second year as he walks to his music class late. He enter the class and the students start laughing at him because his clothes were messy, his hair is like bird's nest and all he looks terrible. Thats the consequences if you keep snoozing your alarm for 10 times and he cursed hisself for that. The teacher started scolding him but in the end he was permitted to sit in class. He look around for a sit and there is one. He went to that sit and saw that his sit mate had an open book standing up infront of him, shielding him from the teacher so that the teacher can't see him sleeping. 

Hobi look at his sit mate and quickly blush as his sitmate looks cute and adorable while sleeping like an angel. Hobi didn't know how long he was staring at the angel, until that angel's eyes opened and their gaze met each other. For Hobi, a simple gaze like that made his heart skip, his cheek turn red, and those eyes... He can see how they shines beautifully. 

His sit mate just signal him a 🤫 before closing his eyes and went back to sleep. Hobi look away and chuckled as how this boy beside him looks so cute and adorable. 

Soon, Hobi knows that his sit mate name is Min Yoongi. He looks cute and adorable when sleeping which he usually do most of the time. But when he is awake, he look so hot and handsome because he always have a cold, hot expression. Specially the times that Hobi saw Yoongi dance since they have the same major most of their classes are the same. When Hobi, saw Yoongi dance, he can clearly say that he looks a perfect daddy material. 

He once saw Yoongi Dance with an extreme dance steps, and in the middle Yoongi wink at the crowd and lick his own lips. In that moment Hobi excused hisself in class and walk to the bathroom and imagine things with Yoongi. 😉😏

When he went back, he could see that Yoongi is surrounded by girls but Yoongi just glare at them and just sat there and listen to the rest of the class. Hobi still doesn't have a courage to talk to Yoongi because, whenever he try to approach him his cowardness take over and he is scared because Yoongi always have a cold expression. Maybe if Yoongi had friendly expression, Hobi won't have any trouble appraching his crush... But no, Yoongi's everyday expression makes it hard for Hobi to approach him. 

He knows that Yoongi just have that kind of expression but he isn't arrogant nor cold. He is just... he could say that Yoongi likes being alone and introvert person. 

But what makes Hobi fall for Yoongi more is that... One day he caught Yoongi playing a piano in the music room while singing. Hobi knows that his Crush is literally an angel a very handsome angel indeed. At that time, Yoongi almost got him but Hobi quickly run away before Yoongi saw him. Hobi was happy that he manage to hear once Angel Voice. 

He wish to hear him again but sadly he didn't caught Yoongi sing again or play the piano once more which makes him sad. But that doesn't stop him from stalking and admiring Yoongi from afar. 

Flashback ends.


Its been Two years since Hobi is admiring his crush from a far and he knows that Yoongi doesn't talk to girls while giving his signature gummy smile which what Yoongi do a couple of minutes ago before he manage to fall asleep. 

The girl chuckled and she even take a picture of sleeping Yoongi and smile. Hobi knows from that chuckle alone that the Girl likes Yoongi. Well that was he think. 

In truth, The girl wasn't trying to flirt with Yoongi she was just teasing him and maybe make some fun comments. It was just in Hobi's imaginations that this girl was trying to seduce Yoongi. She took a picture of Yoongi and send it to someone else while chuckling. 

Hobi was sulking behind looking dead. 


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Hope You Enjoy ^-^ ^-^ ^-^

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