If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 7 [Let Me Go]

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You love me, but you don't know who I am/I'm torn between this life I lead and where I stand/You love me, but you don't know who I am/So let me go/Just let me go~3 Doors Down - Let Me Go

"Will." I breathed his warm calloused and yet soft hands running up my legs under my dress, his thumb massaging me as I moaned.

He whispered my name in my ear sexily his body covering me like a security blanket his warmth and touch electrifying. His lips ran up the length of my throat sucking hard as he continued to massage me down below his touch erotic.

I gasped as he hit a nerve my heart pounding "God." I cried throwing my head back as he struggled for his pants and his other hand continued pushing me beyond words.

He growled getting free as he ripped my dress away making me gasp beneath him. Without hesitation he buried into me, pinning me to the bed and I screamed....

Sitting up straight in bed my skin flushed a heated red and was clammy. My body tingled and was scorched where he had touched me. I shuddered as I replayed the dream panting, things happening down stairs that I had never experienced before. I clutched my chest wanting to go back to that dream more than anything.

This wasn't normal and I sat wishing I had a proper mother to discuss such things with, things that were beyond normal, this craving, and this gaping hole within me full of need beyond words.

It was as I laid there that I heard the crunch of the pebbles outside my window; I had opened my window early as I had felt claustrophobic. I froze as I was starting to think was just hearing things because the sound came again. My room was facing into the yard so it wasn't like it could be some random walking home down on the footpath, but who was awake at this time in the morning? It was still dark outside for crying out loud.

Thinking it was some feral animal I got up out of bed in my short pajama shorts and a tight small camisole, and went to the window planning to rid the disruptive animal that I thought would be a mouse.

Squinting in the dark I almost screamed at what I saw; a person! After my initial shock subsided did I notice who that person was and what they were doing; they were taking the gauze off my window to get in. I spun around at my iPod dock; at two o'clock in the morning! Fretting I listened intently for dad and heard nothing, no movement but if I strained my sense maybe I could pick up the faint sound of his breathing since his room was the opposite side of the house. I couldn't seem to piece any of this together at all. Spinning back to the window they had gotten the gauze off and they were sitting it down.

A gush of wind flew in blowing my hair around, as quick as the breeze they jumped through and pulled me in against them in their warm embrace. The only light was the light off my iPod dock and the moon outside, but I could see his bodies outline to know easy enough it was him. And yet I knew before I even saw him outside my window it was him. Without thinking I buried my head into their neck and let his scent carry me away their hands were wrapped around me tightly one around my waist the other in my hair as he inhaled sharply bathing in my scent. My body was instantly awake, now with the jolts of thick currents running through me. I melted into him all my problems and negative feelings vanishing in a blink of an eye.

Pulling back Will grabbed my hand and led me over to my bed, sitting on the edge he crouched down in front of m. holding both of my hands in his he looked down at them as he held me tenderly and softly as if I was fragile and yet highly important "I'm so sorry darlin'." He whispered letting his head fall onto our hands.

Darlin' he called me darlin!' My heart sang. Pulling a hand free I let my fingers comb through his hair with confidence I didn't own. I was comforting him, instead of him showering me with apologies and comfort and me making him crawl I was comforting him and yet it seemed right, he literally looked tormented, drained, lost. Gradually his shoulders slowly relaxed and fell down limp, his whole body losing all rigidness. My fingers pulling through his thick and smooth hair comforting, not only to him but also to me.

If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - A Werewolf NovelWhere stories live. Discover now