If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 32 [The Only Exception]

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But darlin’/You are the only exception (x4)..../You are the only exception (x8)/And I'm on my way to believing... (x2)~Paramore - The Only Exception

I threw the dart again it missing and skimming just past Ty’s ear as he chortled to himself getting a kick out of my agony and desperation. It however only made Ty and Gabe burst into more loud laughter as they clutched their sides, barking at my expense.

I growled sick of them laughing at me as I pegged a dart right at them and lodging itself right into Ty’s arm. “Shit, fuck!” he screamed like a girl before ripping it out of his arm and rubbing it weakly before it healed over like it hadn’t even gone in. the beauty of being a werewolf with almost instant healing.

I growled again as Gabe laughed louder as he braced himself on Ty’s shoulder “You’re so lucky it wasn’t a freakin’ silver dart.” I growled to him as he shot me a dirty look.

Gabe sighed straightening slightly “Oh come on Will, lighten up.” He said smiling in amusement.

I threw a dart at his feet as he narrowly missed it as I had pegged it with such force, frustrated and angry I patted around me to find no other darts for weaponry use. “Guys this isn’t fuckin’ funny, at all! I mean I'm serious, this girl…..she’s my mate!” I in the end whispered yelled as I realized just how much trouble I was truly in, if my parents heard…..

That instantly had them sobering up, the pair of them. They watched me with intent gaze studying and gauging just how serious I was. It was silent for a long while before they nodded the two of them. At times I seriously wondered if they were twins, the thought of them being related was frightening.

“Look man…..” Ty began, tentatively. His eyes filled with worry, wonder.

I shook my head “I knew you wouldn’t get it. But I'm serious guys….she’s literally the one.” Gabe went to speak but I cut over him “Just listen to me.” I begged. “The things I feel around her, the urges….it’s not natural. It’s as if I'm possessed by a sex addict. I can’t control the wolf within me.”

Ty chortled “Man it’s natural to want to have sex….I mean for you sure it aint normal for you Mr. Virgin.” He teased. “Seriously Will sometimes I think you are a girl. But these urges are good….we can be bros, you can be my wing man.” He said happy at the idea of someone else to work with picking up chicks.

I grew agitated at their doubt, their lack of belief that what I was saying was just a fantasy like usual. That’s what I was truly afraid of.

It had been over a week since I had met my darlin’ Tanze and although how many times I tried to avoid her I found myself finding some excuse or way of finding her. I was addicted to every measure of her, I couldn’t resist. It was unhealthy, unnatural and yet it was impossible for me to become sober.

Over the time I had delved myself into books, research into proving that this was a reality. To prove that this rash that I had on me, that this connection and ability to sync myself into her feelings and all was not just some teenage crush. This was a reality of a new change in era for our world, I was trying to prove that I was not insane and in the end I had a chance and the right to claim what was rightfully mine.

What was mine was Tanze, she was literally mine. She was designed from my gods to own my heart and bring myself into a world of beauty; she was made for me, by destiny. I loved her and I was ready to prove she was mine.

My issue with this was the secrecy I had to endure with this and how close I was putting not only myself but her in danger. By researching I had to move my weeks around now by pretending to be my old self, if anyone found out I wasn’t at as much danger as what my Tanze would be. And until then I had to restrict myself from being around her, I had to pull away before things become too serious. I had to be cautious, because what happens if I can’t be with her after all, that I can’t prove it? I would prefer to never start something with her if it had to end. At the end of the day my vanishing acts and myself standing back from her at a distance was for her safety. So she didn’t have a broken heart, so she didn’t die.

If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - A Werewolf NovelWhere stories live. Discover now