Day 1: Awakening

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Our story begins on a large merchant ship setting sail on the sea, with its sails raised high and its bow heading for the horizon as the sun sets on an old day. The ship creaked and the ocean waves splashed against the ship as Aphmau looked over the bow of the ship, watching the sunset below the horizon, enjoying the warmth of the sun against her tan skin as she smiled, not looking back at the shore.

Aphmau has caramel-colored eyes, tan skin, and lush black hair as dark as night.  She wears a pair of short purple trousers, a white blouse with a purple light jacket with no sleeves, and a pair of leather boots. she wears an eye-patch, a light purple turcone hat as well as a belt on her shorts. The shorts hold two holsters, one for her flintlock pistol and another for her cutlass.

Aphmau's P.O.V

I'm finally heading out into the world on my own! My dad wanted me to follow in his footsteps and take over for him when he is gone, but I don't want to go off guidelines, but I don't want to live like that, I want to make something for myself. I'm really hoping that I didn't come too late though, as a lot of companies are already settled in the New World.

I leaned against the railing with my bag at my side, with my cutlass and my flintlock in my holster as I watched the sun set below the horizon but I then felt someone tap me on my shoulder and saw it was one of the members of the crew.

"Excuse me miss," the boy said, "we're asking all passengers to go to the lower deck. Capt'n... says there will be a storm coming".

I looked up at the sky and saw that it was a cloudless day and I looked at him in confusion "Storm? There aren't any clouds for miles, what do you mean?" I stated.

"I'm just saying what the capt'n told me, said he can 'feel it in his bones' or somethin like that. Its going to be dark in a few minutes anyway." he said before walking off.

I sighed and walked down to the steps into the hull." ugh I'm tired anyway." I said, "Working on a ship takes a lot out of ya, but least I'm sleep really well tonight". I walked down the flight of steps into the hull and I was relieved as it wasn't that crowded, with only about two dozen passengers overall. There wasn't much space with the cargo and there were some sketchier figures. I'll just have to keep my bag close to me and my flintlock ready, just in case.

I went to a corner of the hull and hung up my hammock, trying to keep balance as the ship rocked but I threw my bag in the hammock and I jumped in. Getting comfortable, I kept my cutlass and my flintlock close to me just in case but before I knew it, the rocking of the ship rocked me to sleep.


I woke up to water splashing in my face and the sound of panic. I looked around and saw that water was starting to seep into the hull of the ship, much of the cargo was loose and people were beginning to panic!

Out of my sleepy haze, I got out of the hammock and tried to get to the deck. I grabbed my bag, tied it around my waist, and ran to the steps, ignoring the fear growing in me and the sound of roaring thunder filling the sky, becoming loud it sounded like cannon fire. As I ran up the steps, the mast snapped and collapsed onto the deck, covering our only exit. Others ran to the steps with me and tried to push it out of the way but it was too heavy.

"Abandon ship!" Yelled the captain as the storm only grew worse but we couldn't escape "Help!" I exclaimed, trying to get the attention "We're trapped! We can't get out!" but the crew only looked with fear in their eyes before they ran for a lifeboat. As we tried to push, There was a bright flash of light.

And then the whole world went black.


Day 1

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