ii. karaoke

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pairing: bucky barnes x reader

a/n: ok so i finished watching "gilmore girls" about a month ago and this imagine is pretty much based on one of my favorite scenes from the final season.


karaoke night. the one night a month where the avengers and some other friends of the team would come to the compound for a fun night of drinking, good food, and (bad) singing to popular songs. y/n had been on the team for about two and a half years now and in that time, she hadn't participated in karaoke. alone at least, she did do a number with natasha and wanda to the song "dancing queen" by ABBA about a year ago. but the girl's crippling stage fright wouldn't let her do a solo as much as her friends urged her to.

and y/n definitely wasn't going to tonight either.

the h/c haired girl finished getting ready for the casual get-together in her bedroom before walking out and going to the main lounge and bar of the compound, people already arriving. y/n spotted people she knew from outside of the avengers like maria hill, pepper potts, and stephen strange, waving hello to them before going over to natasha and sam once she had spotted them.

"hey, ready for another drunken karaoke night?" nat asked.

"yes i am, but don't even try to convince me to sing something." y/n said to her two friends. "i almost didn't even want to come tonight."

sam sighed as he looked at y/n. "i know that things kind of suck right now, but you can't just sit around and mope. maybe tonight will make things better between you and barnes."

"fat chance. we've barely had a full conversation since the break up, i don't think everything will magically go back to how it was before we dated." y/n countered before sitting down at the table sam and natasha were sitting at.

she and bucky had broken up after almost two years of dating about a month ago and needless to say, both of them were miserable. the break up was mutual, but the two of them still had feelings for each other as much as they both wanted to deny it. y/n convinced herself that she was better off being single, but those feelings for bucky were still there deep down inside.

"you just have to give it time, y/n." natasha said. "i promise, it won't be like this forever."


bucky sat in his bedroom, watching a tv show that sam had told him about called "brooklyn nine-nine." he found it quite funny actually, he didn't always get all of the pop culture references in it, but he still enjoyed it. bucky knew that it was karaoke night, tony always went out of his way to remind everyone about two weeks in advance, but he wasn't going. it would just remind him of all of the fond memories he had of when he and y/n were together, like when he got drunk off of thor's asgardian mead and serenaded her with frankie valli's "can't take my eyes off you."

the metal-armed man smiled softly as he remembered that night, and y/n's smile as she listened to him sing. but they weren't together anymore and bucky had to live with that. as he continued watching the show on the screen, he heard a knock at the door, pausing the tv so he could ask who it was.

"come in." bucky called.

steve opened the bedroom door and saw his best friend sitting in bed. "you really aren't even going to come just for a little bit? thor even brought the mead, it'll be a good time."

"i told you steve, i'm not going. i don't want to make things more awkward than they already are."

"it won't be awkward, i promise. please just come, you haven't really done anything with us since --"

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