𝑪𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏 𝑫𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆

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this roleplay takes place in the regency era, in the year 1813. as such, we would like to keep the elements of this roleplay as accurate to the time period as possible, but there are certain extremes present at the time that we simply refuse to incorporate.


1) the period canon racism that was present in this era is effectively removed. being "color blind" is not ideal in modern society in the slightest, however, we feel that is the best approach for this roleplay. furthermore, assigning races or ethnicities to certain families seems strange and wrong, and we know that there would be conflict in families of more than one when it comes to deciding on a race or ethnicity for their characters' face claims. so because of this, we are saying that the siblings' face claims do not have to match. they can if you want them to, but since it will most likely never be brought up as a subject matter (do not bring it up as a subject matter in the roleplay), it is not required.

2) the period-canon fashion has been removed... to a degree. because it is rather difficult to find good quality images of regency era clothing (we have tried, it's incredibly difficult, even on pinterest), and because some of simply just don't like regency fashion, we have decided to remove the need for period canon clothing to a certain degree. while outfits can be modernized, it's important to keep the... traditionalism and modesty of the time period (we don't like it either). so no overly short or revealing clothing, nothing too incredibly form fitting (ie not spandex tight), and nothing that looks like you could find it in the year 2050. we don't like it either, but it's simply how it has to go for this to work to any degree. once again, you can keep the fashion the same as the time period if you want to, but it is not required. if need be, we can pretend a dress has an empire waistline.

3) the period canon sexism can and will be toned down. yes, purity culture will still be all the rage (unfortunately), but don't have your male characters be extremely condescending, creepy (as older men with power tend to be), or feel like they have ownership over a woman. we are trying to relax, not cringe at ridiculous sexism.

4) and finally, one of our least favorites, the period canon homophobia. sadly, we have decided to keep this element... to a degree. yes, your characters can be lgbtq (please don't have an all heterosexual cast), however they cannot be openly lgbtq because of the stigmas that existed around this time. feel free to have them sneak around, though. we doubt chaperones were required for two "good friends".

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