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1) please be nice. We will accept any type of drama in character (within reason), but keep the drama in character. don't argue with your fellow roleplayers, and if you have an issue with someone, PM one of the admins (-midastouch, I-AM-EBONY-, or this account) and we will gladly deal with them.

2) do not go overboard. while drama is accepted, please be aware that there are limits. so no pregnancies, murders, deaths, ect. without our permission.

3) please be diverse. this roleplay is based off bridgerton in more ways than plot, we are also choosing to include the race blind cast despite the questionable time period. so please be diverse in your face claims, we will not appreciate or accept an all white cast.

4) furthermore, do not use anyone from the original cast (as face claims or as characters). these characters are supposed to be your original creation, using someone else's character as your own is plagiarism, and just generally iffy. and using someone from the original cast as a face claim is a bit too meta.

5) please be sure to stay as accurate as you possibly can with the time period. There are certain things from the time period we cannot incorporate (ei, the all white cast, regency outfits, ect.) however, be sure to keep the language, technology, mannerisms, and general ideologies close to the time period they are in.

6) no hate allowed. This goes for: race, gender, sexuality, religions, nationalities, body sizes, and anything else that comes to mind. please just don't be gross.

the password is your favorite bridgerton character.

for love and desire | a bridgerton inspired roleplayWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt