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The game quickly became foul riddled. Ireland got not one but two penalties after the Bulgarian Keeper cobbed one of the Irish Chasers.

The Beaters from both teams acted without mercy. Players shot straight at each other and penalties piled up quickly.

A Bludger was thrown at Krum by Quigley, who didn't duck fast enough. It hit him full in the face.

Eleanor groaned. Although Krum was not her type, he was still one of the best players on the field. One of the few who was keeping the game interesting, thinking back at his Wronski Feint.

The sight of Krum was macabre. Blood was spilling everywhere, but Hassan Mostafa didn't blew the whistle for a time out.

"Oh, come on, ref, he cannot play like this," complained Adrian.

"Wait, watch!" yelled Berenice, who grabbed Adrian's arm and pointed at Lynch. The Irish Seeker had suddenly gone into a dive.

"He's seen the Snitch!" Castor shouted, who almost started dancing in his seat. "He's seen it! He is going to win!"

The Irish supporters rose from their seats and cheered their Seeker on, but Eleanor saw how Krum was already on Lynch's tail. Flecks of blood flew through the air behind Krum as he drew level with Lynch.

The pair hurtled toward the ground again.

"Oh no!" shrieked Eleanor, who leapt to her feet. Around her, she could hear Isabeau gasp.

"They're going to crash!"

"No, they won't," yelled Adrian, who grabbed Berenice's hand.


For the second time that night, Lynch hit the ground with tremendous force. Staff workers tried to the keep the angry Veela at bay before they stampeded the Irish Seeker.

"Where is the Snitch? The Snitch?" roared mister Yaxley, along with the crowd around them.

"Krum! Krum's got it!" yelled Eleanor. "The game is over!"

Krum rose into the air, his fist held high with a glint of gold in his hand.

The scoreboard flashed BULGARIA: 160, IRELAND: 170 across the crowd, who slowly realized what had happened.

Castor screamed in delight.

"IRELAND WINS!" Bagman shouted, who was taken aback by the sudden end of the match. "KRUM GETS THE SNITCH, BUT IRELAND WINS."

"By Merlin's beard, I don't think anyone was expecting that," said Adrian's mother, who looked at her husband, who was staring at Krum in confusion.

"Why did he catch the Snitch? If he waited until one of the Chasers made another goal, they would have become victorious."

Mister Yaxley shook his head, while applauding along with the crowd. "The Irish Chasers were too good. Krum knew they were never going to catch up."

"He wanted to end it on his terms alone," added Adrian, who looked at Krum, who had just finally hit the ground before being stormed by a swarm of mediwizards.

"Stupid boy," shook mister Pucey his head. "Stupidly proud boy."

"A shame it didn't last longer," nodded mister Yaxley.

The two teams were welcomed into the Top Box next to them. Castor leapt into Eleanor's lap to get a better view of his idols.

Eleanor wasn't looking at the messy Quidditch players. Her eyes were glued to George Weasley,'s face who beamed with joy when Troy and Quigley lifted the Quidditch Cup into the air. A small smile appeared on Eleanor's face.

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