Chapter 2 - Settling in

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Kayla's sat at the console doing another round of placement exams. This was the fourth such exam in two days. Every new colony member had to take them as part of their work placement program. She was young, but schooling here wasn't to enrich a person's life like it was on the core worlds. Here it was to train them to do a job to help the colony survive and grow. The exams were challenging, and she'd wished she paid more attention in school. Thankfully, she was feeling better today. Her stomach was still queasy, but at least she wasn't dizzy or vomiting anymore.

For the past two weeks, she'd been doing round after round of inoculations. Usually, this would be done over several months, but she had a direct external exposure during the attack. Not only were the insects covered in microorganisms, but the alien plant's atmosphere from the large holes the bug had made. Kayla had breathed in everything the jungle world had to offer and would have died within twelve hours if she'd not been inundated with antibiotics and antivirals.

Luckily, this wasn't all that unusual. All colonies had similar procedures and protocols in place for just such occasions. It wasn't a pleasant experience, but she'd been fine in another week.

"Still testing?" Tomas said in amusement from the door.

Kayla looked up and could help but smile at the young man's handsome face. Tomas Kindith was an aid for the colony administration and was here to help her adjust to her new life. He was tall with light brown skin and a soft face. His blue eyes were bright and warm, but it was his charming, relaxed smile that made her blush every time it was directed at her.

"Just finishing the fourth one. I feel like I failed the last two," Kayla said, trying not to fix her hair or feel uncomfortable with how she looked. The simple medical clothes she wore were not very flattering.

"That's the last one. And I'm sure you're doing fine. The exams are only to gauge where to place you for now. Anyone can change jobs if they study and apply," Tomas said with a smile.

"I still want to do my best," Kayla said, glancing away before he saw her cheeks turn red. She had no idea why he was making her feel so awkward. This wasn't the first boy who'd smiled at her.

"And that is why I wouldn't worry too much," Tomas chuckled lightly. "Now, I talked to the doctors, and you should be released tomorrow. I'll be here in the morning to pick you up and take you to the admin processing office. But tonight, I was able to get them to let me show you around."

"Really?" Kayla exclaimed. Her voice rose several octaves as a wave of excitement swept through her. This caused her cheeks to form the light flirty pink to a deep red of embarrassment.

"Yes," Tomas laughed with amusement.

"But..." Kayla paused as she looked down at her clothes.

"Sorry, you're stuck in those till tomorrow. They have monitors built-in, so you're stuck in them until they release you tomorrow," Tomas explained.

"They make me look like a homeless dock worker," Kayla sighed with disappointment.

"Yes, but a very pretty one," Tomas said with a wink.

"T-thanks," Kayla said softly. She had no idea how to respond to his comment. Her heart had started beating faster, and she felt her mouth go dry as excited nervousness filled her.

"She'll we go for a walk?" Tomas said, offering her his arm.

"Please. It feels like I've been staring that the same four wall for months," Kayla said, standing. She took his arm and let him lead.

As they walked, Kayla felt like a little girl on a first date. Tomas kept up a steady stream of conversation as they made their way to the main entrance. She had no idea what he was talking about, for when they exited the building, she got her first real glimpse of the jungle world CZX9221-H. Or, as the locals called it, Rayne.

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